Sitemeter problems?

Is anyone else having trouble with their Sitemeter?

A few days ago it spent 24hrs with two logos side by side, then it changed back to one logo but it was off center and it was COMPLETELY distorting the footer.  Yesterday I played around with the code, confirmed it was definetly the Sitemeter that was the problem, and submitted a ticket to them.  Last night the spot on the footer thats supposed to show the Sitemeter logo is now a white bar, attempts to log into their page how tells me my account is under maintenance.  I assume that means they’re working on it, but is anyone else having issues?

35 thoughts on “Sitemeter problems?”

  1. Yes, I’m also having the same problem. I have double Sitemeter logos side by side, and a friend who also uses the same service has his logo off center.

    I read on their site somewhere that they are moving servers in July. And the announcement was put up on the 27th. Same day I started having problems.

    Hope it helps to know you are not the only one.

  2. Noticed something odd happening yesterday that the site meter logo now has a white rectangle appearing below the normal length of the screen and that some of my sites are hanging while waiting for a response from sitemeter. Hope this is not a re-run of a few years ago when apparently badly tested changes were released causing a lot of disruption.

  3. Yeah they’re changing servers. But I tried to access the article page and it won’t download though there’s some text on the google search that said some clusters of accounts will be impacted but I’ve not been able to access my site since Friday.

    I’m about done with paying for the premium account. I had to search online to find why it wasn’t up. Who reads the information center regularly?

    • Mine is currently looks correct, its even center, so hopefully its fixed….I’ve got a freebie account, so I suppose I really shouldn’t be complaining, but when it screws with the site format its really annoying!

  4. Glad to read I’m not the only one. For the last week I’ve had double counters, sometimes no counters, and I’ve been unable to log into either one of my accounts. On another site when I had the counter on the right sidebar near the top it knocked out everything below it. I’ll give it a few days more, but I may just have to drop it and go with Google Analytics in spite of the limitations there.

    • Mine is currently looks correct, its even center, so hopefully its fixed. I’ve done Google Analytics, didn’t care for it.

  5. I haven’t had the logo issue but I have had stats vanish. First, my visits and page views from last Thursday and Friday were virtually wiped out. Yesterday they restored the Thursday and Friday stats but wiped out Saturday and Sunday stats in the process!


    • Hmmm, mine appears to have not GOTTEN the majority of hte stats for Sunday, but otherwise everything appears to be there, Sunday’s count is just WAY low in comparison to normal.

  6. My sitemeter is bad now. I just get IP addresses that all have the same first eight numbers. Not the real IP addresses or accurate number of views.

    And I get error messages when trying to get info on individual visitors.

  7. My sitemeter is bad now. I just get IP addresses that all have the same first eight numbers. Not the real IP addresses or accurate number of views.

    I am getting the same as this^^^. Strange ip addresses showing up and most of them being the same ip.

  8. Yeah… I put in a tech request. The only response so far was that I was billed for the month! They did something that rendered their service unable to recognize and identify the IP addresses of visitors correctly and it’s just putting up these junk ones. Plus I get the following message when I try to click individual visitors for further info.

    “The report is currently unavailable.

    Please wait a few minutes and try again.”

    Bad joke, been getting this error message for over 24 hours. My site which uses the sitemeter account is an account used with Blogger.

  9. … glad it’s not just me then (same IP number for everything – except Googlebot !!) – at least it’s showing visits – I’m sure they’re on the case so I’ll just wait and see (another freebie user so …)

  10. Well everyone, I’ve been using statcounter for the last 24 hours and get better info than sitemeter ever gave me. There are alternatives….!

  11. Joe Foto and MossleySmiffey, lemme guess: Do those identical IP numbers you are getting for (almost) all of your hits happen to begin with 10.144.12#? Mine do? Yes, I had the double counters and the white rectangle that now have gone away, but now we get this. How could something so reliable for so long go so screwy so fast? Kinda like major airline service, ha ha!

  12. Problems, problems…. with Sitemeter. I think they may go out of business… no telephone numbers and a “Suite” In Los Angeles. You know that that means… a small space, one phone and no one there to respond.

    I have been having the same problems since the last of August, 2012.

  13. I have been having problems with sitemeter for many weeks now.. reports are empty, and any attempt to get stats by logging into the site, produce an error to the effect, ““The report is currently unavailable. Please wait a few minutes and try again.”

    What is particularly annoying is that I have sent numerous requests to differect contacts at sitemeter about this, and have gotten NO responses from them. Has the company gone under? Does anyone have a contact for them? I cant seem to reach them.

  14. I think its over with sitemeter. Since 2 weeks now I do not have any statistics for my website ! I wrote already several times but the do not answer !!

    Now I changed definitvely to another meter…The scripts loads much more with speed than those of sitemeter. So I m glad I changed.

  15. Sitemeter has NO EMAIL! I got a kick this week saying that it was “undeliverable.” I have 6 websites that use it and I am totally fuming about the their lack of correspondence. I am going to burn them at the stake and try to find a better company. This is so unlike them. I never had a problem with them till about September of this year. WTF gives???? Anybody know more?

  16. I am going to follow this Sitemeter thread so people can at least keep me informed when they know more and vise versa!

    • Tom, I’ve actually got several threads on the subject. Basically no-one has any idea, but everyone’s pissed. A bunch of us have switched over to Stat-counter, and I like it ok, if that helps!

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