Well, they fixed the code on their end, so its not screwing up my page any more…..instead they’ve screwed up my stats.
Before the problems last week I was approaching 4k visits. Don’t recall the exact number but I remember thinking I was less than a week to 4k.
After it came back it was showing 3300+ visits. Odd, but I couldn’t swear for sure what the exact number had been before…..
Now its showing LESS than 3k visits AND its showing all the IP address as the same thing regardless of the visitor…..
I don’t want to switch to Google’s Analytics. Are there any OTHER options? Yes the server keeps track TOO, but its not as easy to work with….
They just billed me today too! I sent in two tech requests on:
1) the posting of mirror IP addresses in lieu of the real IP addresses
2) the inability to access information on my visitors b/c I get that check back later message.
No response back yet. But maybe they’re getting more of the same complaints so they know they screwed up on their end.
You would hope. But yah, just based on the responses here I can’t imagine we’re the only ones who’ve submitted tickets.
Same thing happening for me. Contacted support but no response. My stats stopped working on 8/1/2012
Ok, when I typed that post this morning my Sitemeter visit count was 2993 visits (23 so far for the day). Right now, I have had a total of 81 visits so far today (according to Sitemeter), and yet my visit count still says 2993. ????
Exactly the same problem so it’s not just you. I submitted a ticket as the visit reports from 8/1/2012 around 1100 British Summer Time all started showing the same IP regardless of what’s in my log. To be precise 10.144.128.# – it’s a US one but that’s all I can find out about it – except a couple of occasions since then when it’s showed googlebot entries and one or two other ones at random. Definitely looks like a programming or SQL error. No response and no fix to date and I have a number of other websites all showing the same problem so looks like it’s definitely mess #2 and it’s widespread.The other problem is that when I try to get the detail on a visit it says the report is unavailable – try again in a few minutes. Well it’s been quite a few minutes since then! Like others I don’t especially like google analytics. Sitemeter great when working but the techincal support is erratic.
Yah, and its starting to get really annoying. I was actually starting to consider looking into a paid plan with htem, my daily hits are getting high enough, regularly, that being only able to see the previous 100 visits wasn’t quite enough…..but at this point not so much. I’ve started looking at alternatives. I’ve installed Statcounter to play with for a few days. We’ll see. I CAN just use the stats the server gives me….
Had a look at Statcounter which on the face of it looks better than Sitemeter. So if no dice for another day or two I’ll give Statcounter a whirl. Thanks for the tip!
I just subscribed to Statcounter. Have both sitemeter and statcounter on my page for now. Statcounter seems great so far.
Mine visits are starting to show normal IPs and all of them are accessible now with out error messages.
as of about an hour ago it looks like. My visit count is still screwed all to heck though.
Damn, mine starting to throw up the bad IP addresses again. But I can still access the individual information.
Weird….most of mine are still ok, but I’m getting random bad ones mixed in.
Just found your blog via Google after banging my head against the brick wall trying to figure out what the heck is going on with Sitemeter. My stats stopped working on 01 August and zilch since….. I’ve emailed their support but no response so far. I’ve also signed on statcounter too out of sheer frustration.
Yah, none of my tickets have gotten any response either…..Statcounter is doing the job, I may just give up pn Sitemeter.
I’ve been with sitemeter since 2004 and never saw anything like this. I figured out their static IP that kept showing up over and over on some of my sites was their own, like it was still counting visitors but the location was stuck on their own server IP address. It did that for two days before it stopped. I finally got some regular hits again, but they disappeared this morning. The internal trackers built into my site are showing more traffic than I’ve ever gotten in the last week, and sitemeter is completely missing getting those documented. I don’t know what kind of problems they are having getting their servers moved, but they’ve got to be in a panic state by now, surely we aren’t the only ones experiencing this. I’m wondering if they took some kind of massive lightning strike or what the heck, this has gone on so long it’s looking like hardware damage to me, which means data storage. I’m going to wait it out because I bet whatever is going on, this is prompting them to get super better equipment and backup and whatever else they need to do to avoid another problem like this in future. But it is comforting to find I’m not alone and abandoned. Hope we all get back online with them soon.
Has anyone gotten a resolution with SiteMeter? I am still having these same problems. Have you dumped them and found a better analytics report? I have one free and one paid account with them. Getting no response. Sent email to their bizdev mail address and that bounced.
Switched to statcounter and like that well enough. I never did hear back from the Sitemeter folks, but I didn’t have a paid account either.
statcounter.com? Thank you. I will look into that.
Yup, good luck!
And she’s down again…I’m getting “service unavailable”.
I suddenly received a weekly report. Came through at 12:41AM. Link is broken. I sent a complaint to webmaster@sitemeter.com a few days ago. It didn’t bounce.
Someone must be left in the SiteMeter company?
Definitely unable to download even the home page. Not my computer. This is what “Down for Everyone or Just Me” had to say about it:
It’s not just you! http://sitemeter.com looks down from here.
Site is back working!
It’s offline for me including the home page. Down for Everyone or just me came back quickly when it pinged the site saying it was definitely down for everyone. I have a paid account and all this downtime and incorrect stat counting is ticking me off. Who’s running the site now? Is Andy still there or did he quit?
I have to admit I’ve not tried the site recently. I did start getting weekly stat emails again, which is kinda funny cause its all zeros…..
It’s official, for the home site, “service unavailable” is coming up. Honestly maybe it’s time to put this site out of its misery. Shame because for most of the time I’ve used it it was a pretty good site.
I did like the way they broke down the visits.
In fact, here’s the link that gives a page on ping activity to Sitemeter and apparently there’s been no server response to it at all for nearly the past 20 hours.
If you click the comments’ link you’ll find some people discussing this latest outage.