It could be ever so much worse, but still.
The last 5 days in a row we were predicted to get rain, potentially a lot of it. We got a sprinkle once. Looking at the weather map it looks like there were actually storms, but they ended up going around my immediate area somehow. For 5 days in a row. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m thrilled that the yard has finally dried up enough for me to mow completely. But it also means that I’m having to water the garden…..
Monday in particular was extra “interesting”.
Monday we received a notice from the state that we were being audited due to our claim of getting solar panels put up in 2012. We have 30 days to provide them with the paperwork to prove the claim or they’ll cancel the refund. Never mind that I included copies of almost everything they’re requiring with the tax paperwork……So now we’re digging through files and muttering rude words as we discover that this or that piece of paper didn’t get filed properly. We’ve got it all, but it’s still frustrating as heck.
After spending an hour digging through files and getting frustrated I went out to go spend an hour or so in the garden since I find that generally calming. Keeping the volunteer clover from taking over is pretty much a constant chore anyway, and after the discovery of the giant zucchini hiding under the clover in that tire I’ve been trying to work my way around the various beds to at least thin the clover enough to be sure I don’t have to many other surprises waiting for me. Everything was going smoothly till I grabbed a specific clump of clover in one of the cantaloupe tires.
There are yellow jackets nesting in that particular tire. Under that specific clump of clover. Immediately adjacent to a ripening pumpkin and a still growing cantaloupe.
And yup, I got stung.
Today’s Wednesday and I’m still swallowing the max dose of benadryl in order to keep the swelling down and itching from driving me crazy.
I hate using general insecticides in the garden. I have, after much work, finally managed to have enough pollinators in the yard to ensure proper pollination of everything. And the last thing I want to do is kill them. But I’m not going to try to work around a nest of stinging insects either, even if we didn’t have family who’re allergic. ESPECIALLY when the nest is immediately adjacent to two growing fruits that will have to be picked before TO much longer. I picked up a bottle of concentrated permethrin, and have already treated the nest area once. I’m being extra careful to ensure it doesn’t get onto any flowers or the like, but I’m still not happy about it.
I’m just hoping the rest of the week goes a bit smoother…….