I’m debating moving this blog to Substack and I’m curious as to folks thoughts on that.
When I first moved it to my own site I was blogging enough I felt it was worth it. These days? I’m doing good to blog once a month. And I feel like I’m not getting my money’s worth out of the site. I will likely keep the site, and direct the substack to here (supposedly thats possible anyway) so that you won’t have to change any links. Maintaining the ownership of the domain name isn’t expensive, its the hosting of the page itself that adds up.
In theory I can move all the blog posts over there, so that I won’t lose any posts, testing shows it doesn’t move all the meme posts over correctly (it just appears to grab the first meme) but everything else appears to move over correctly. At the link I posted in the first sentence you can see the last 10 posts I imported to see how it works. I don’t know if that means I won’t be able to do meme dumps at all, or if I’ll have to break them up more, or what. But that appears to be the only potential issue that I’m seeing.
Edit: Ok, it’ll import the first 10 posts and nothing else. I’m waiting response from tech support to find out what I’m missing.