Holy cow

As of yesterday morning (Sunday) Sitemeter said I had an average per day visiter count of 14 visits (which is different from pageviews for those of you who aren’t familer). 

Saturday’s count was a bit higher than usual, people searching for information on the chicken jerky caution.  Some of the search terms were a bit odd, but not too weird.  I didn’t think much of it.

Sunday morning I was catching up on Facebook and came across reference to a “Blue Buffalo Recall” related to the chicken jerky caution and went WTH, there’s no recalls related to that?!  Did some digging, and discovered that someone was spreading rumors.  Well, that always annoys me so I posted on it. 

According to Sitemeter I had 94 visitors yesterday, almost all of them coming in after I posted the above mentioned post.  Assume 14 or so are my usual visitors (the large majority of which I can thank the GunBlogBlackList for, THANK YOU!), and holy cow.  Basically all of them came in via search engine searching for information on a Blue Buffalo recall.  A few came in via Facebook, at least two different folks linked to me there (it appears anyway, if any of you reading this came via Facebook I’d really like to know WHO and WHERE I was linked too please).

I’m shocked.  A check of Google puts me in the front page for most variations of “Blue Buffalo Chicken Jerky Recall” as search terms.  The rest are all reposts of the spam message that went around Facebook yesterday.  Hopefully the large majority of those folks went away with the tools to figure out if there was a recall now, and in the future, so they won’t be caught believing spam again.