To whomever runs the TransSiberian Orchestra’s Facebook page

You people are the only music group I have followed for any length of time on Facebook. Everyone else I tried to follow annoyed me quickly with constant spamming updates. But you guys are different, updates are once a month or so, its awesome!

Or, prehaps I should change all that present tense to past tense. You WERE the only music group I followed…..see, today whoever runs your Facebook page decided it wasn’t enough to remind everyone of the upcoming concert tour. Nope. Instead of a post reminding people that ‘hey, we’re on tour check our schedule!!!!’. You posted a bajillion individual posts, one for each stop on the tour stating “we’re going to be in THIS city, who’s coming?!?!”. You know what? Not only did you make sure that you got blocked from my Facebook feed, I now WILL NOT be buying tickets when you’re going to be near me. I’m sure you won’t miss my ticket money, I can just hope enough other folks got annoyed by your Facebook spam that you learned something from it.