Wednesday I felt ok. A little tired, but coming off of Christmas that’s not unusual. But Wednesday night I noticed my throat was sore, likely thanks to the sudden increase in post nasal drip. And when I finally gave in and went to bed I noticed a “weight on my chest” feeling. Lovely. Respiratory bug here we come…
Thursday I felt bad enough I called the doctor. Only to be told that the earliest they could see me would be Friday afternoon. Ok, fine. I don’t have a fever so I can’t be that sick…..
Thursday evening my temperature jumped to 101.5 and I felt truly miserable…..
Friday morning…..temp normal. Course it is, I see the doctor today……
Friday afternoon rolls around and I finally get in to see the doc. Temp normal (98.something), blood pressure normal, heart rate high (normal is 100 for me, I was apparently hitting 120, normal rhythm though)……Doc didn’t like that, and he REALLY didn’t like my description of the “weight on my chest’ feeling…..a listen to my lungs showed no congestion (I told him that, but they have to check), which made him like the whole thing even less.
Flu swab, just to be sure (came back negative for flu), EKG (came back normal, no significant differences from the one they did at my physical almost a year ago), there’s no history of heart problems in my family other than my Grandma who was over 75 at the time anyway, yes I’m on Depo Provera, yes I used to have asthma but I let the script lapse cause I’ve not used an inhaler in years and besides I tried using Husband’s inhaler and that didn’t help…..
Off for chest xrays (normal), and a “cardiac panel” of blood work (normal, except for the white blood cell count, which was high, duh, I’m sick).
End result: a confused doctor, who informed me that if that “weight on your chest” feeling gets ANY WORSE seek medical attention immediately, oh and you have a respiratory infection of some kind, lots of fluids and sleep, here’s a note to get out of work for a few days….