Heirloom apples?

I’ve mentioned before that we have a few apple trees in the back.  I’m not sure if some of them are still going to be alive come spring, they were looking kinda poorly last year.  Regardless Husband and I had been seriously considering expanding our little orchard.  We both REALLY enjoy home-made applesauce made with Granny Smith apples, however after doing some research it looks like Granny Smiths aren’t likely to do well here.  We’re technically USDA zone 5b, but I’ve learned the hard way that I really need plants that are hardy to zone 4 if I want them to thrive here…..

I recently ran across the site for Fedco Trees, based in Maine.  Their list of heirloom apple varieties is HUGE!  I’ve never heard of most of these apples.  And best of all, all of them are hardy to zone 4 if not colder!  And so now I have this list of heirloom varieties I’d REALLY like to get ahold of to try….

Anyone know where I can find someone growing a Spice Sweet Apple tree?