Since I put out the trail cameras, half the point was to watch the deer, and the deer have been elusive, a few here and there, but not regularly.
But they appear to have discovered my fruit trees and the feed block, and are here to stay now!
After that visit, which appears to be the big guy from the last post and some friends, I moved the camera and feed block closer to the big apple tree behind them.
It appears to be two groups of deer, the 2nd group contains less fat and more obviously pregnant deer.
They’re spending so much time infront of the camera that the batteries keep dying on me!
I did have a laugh though, its not just the deer enjoying the feed block.
You have very photogenic deer. Our neighbor put a camera down back of our property one year and we got lots of deer pictures and a bear. We put an ag bag of corn up for our cows and boy do the deer really come in, sometimes there are 15 – 20 around it. Once they find a food source they really move in.
Yup, I was thinking I’d add another feed block and look at what else the feed store had, since we’re having such groupings coming through…..I was to lazy to upload the videos, but there’s several more deer than are being shown at any one time!