It was buzzing some of the early flowers, tiny little thing.
7 thoughts on “Anyone know what kind of bug this is?”
Kinda looks a bit like a hummingbird moth. If it can do all the maneuvers of a hummingbird (hover, fly backwards, etc.) that be it.
I’d heard of them, hadn’t realized they were so tiny! Cool.
Hummingbird moths are not that small. I have seen these little guys, and can not for the life of me remember their name. If I think of it, I’ll come back here and post it.
my guess was a hummingbird moth, also known as sphinx moth. There are a couple of species in the US.
clearwing hawkmoth (Hemaris thysbe) or the Nessus sphinx moth (Amphion floridensis
Kinda looks a bit like a hummingbird moth. If it can do all the maneuvers of a hummingbird (hover, fly backwards, etc.) that be it.
I’d heard of them, hadn’t realized they were so tiny! Cool.
Hummingbird moths are not that small. I have seen these little guys, and can not for the life of me remember their name. If I think of it, I’ll come back here and post it.
my guess was a hummingbird moth, also known as sphinx moth. There are a couple of species in the US.
clearwing hawkmoth (Hemaris thysbe) or the Nessus sphinx moth (Amphion floridensis (this is most likely by the picture)
This one was a lot smaller than either of those though, body length a single cm, maybe 1.5 cm.