So I end up in a bit of an argument about raw feeding (of household pets) and the nutritional content there-of. So I start pulling up links to studies or official data to back up my side of the argument. Not an abnormal day, except that the argument has to do with the calcium content in raw bone, specifically chicken bone, and I’ve found that data to be much harder to come by, so my links are sparse but they get my point across.
Then someone new sticks his nose in and insists that the actual calcium content in bone is 6times higher than the number I quoted.
So I asked where he got his numbers from.
“Don’t have a reference at the moment, but I’m sure of my numbers.”
Thats nice, where’d you get your numbers from…..
New guy quotes a paragraph without giving any reference to where it came from. And then adds that he doesn’t think that adding raw bone to a dog’s diet counts as a calcium supplement.
The very definition of “supplement” means to “add something extra”, maybe you don’t WANT to consider it a calcium supplement, but if your numbers are right then it definitely IS a calcium supplement. Oh, and where are you quoting from??
Quote’s from the University Of Cambridge and its not a supplement because I say its not a supplement!!!
No publication name, or author name, or anything else to ID where the quote came from (which, the more I read, the less I think it says what he thinks it does). Arguments like this remind me of why I need to spend less time online…..