Our home heating fuel has been delivered:
Actually it was delivered last Thursday (a week ago), and then I took the picture Monday. As of the time I’d taken the picture about 1 cord + had been re-stacked neatly, as thats husband’s goal this fall. Usually we leave it in a big pile covered with tarps, but that can be brutal to get wood from in the middle of the winter after the snow starts piling up, especially when the tarp springs a leak and the wood freezes together. This year we’re stacking it into the back of the carport instead. It’ll be interesting to see how close to the actual “10 face cord” of wood that we’re paying for the pile actually is. Unless its very short though this guy is still the best price in town, if only because he’ll deliver and dump it where-ever we want as long as he can get his truck there.
We do have a furnace, it runs on kerosene, and we have a 200gallon tank for it. It was full when we bought the house, Sept 2010, and last winter (2013-2014) was the first time we’ve had to buy more kerosene (course, last winter was so bad that we went through 100gallons between January and April). The folks we bought the house from said that before they put in the wood burning stove they used to go through most of two tanks a winter, sometimes a little more than that depending on the winter.
Kerosene delivered is running over $4/gallon (at least here, they charge us more cause we’re rural *sigh*). So a full tank is over $800. Two tanks a winter is $1600+.
Or we can pay $600 for 10 face cord of wood and have wood left over at the end of the winter and use less than 1/3rd of a single tank of kerosene…..
Yah, I’ll keep stacking wood…..
Wow, wood is cheap where you are at. A cord of wood here is at least 250 (haven’t looked at prices lately since I don’t have a wood stove).
Hoping to use propane only for hot water and cooking this winter. Have paid for 3 tons of pellets (250/ton) and may need a 4th. However, that is still way cheaper than a 1000 gallons of propane.
Weekend Pundit was commenting that wood prices had gone up for him. But I’m not seeing any increase here. At least this year. The hot water heater is electric, the oven/stove is propane, and the furnace is kerosene (which got us some odd looks from folks used to city living, but its pretty popular in this neighborhood).