Garden update

I pulled the garlic yesterday.  Might have been a bit early, but I waited till to late last year, and since I’m going to freeze it all anyway if its got an extra layer or two of paper on it, it’s not the end of the world.  Snapped this picture of the two largest and two smallest heads.  Wish I’d put something in for size comparison.  Those two largest heads are about the size of my fist……


I don’t think I’m going to grow garlic this winter/next year.  We still have a little left from last  year, plus this year’s crop.

The Long Pie Pumpkins are in their “huge zucchini” stage:

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I did grow zucchini this year, but didn’t get a picture this time.  So far none of them are as big as the pumpkins.

Jalapenos and Hungarian Hot Wax peppers look good:

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We got our first Black Plum tomatoes out of the garden this week, with lots more to come:

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Sugar Baby watermelons are coming along nicely:


The other watermelons I planted (Early Moon) have several tiny babies on the vines, so cross fingers.

So far neither cantaloupe has more than tiny babies either.  The one variety is a completely new one for me, and the other is the Charentais that I tried to grow last year and failed massively.  The vines are MUCH happier looking this year, so cross fingers.

Habanero’s have tiny peppers growing, and the Cherokee Purple tomatoes are growing big but still very green.  I planted my second crop of lettuce, and put in the seeds for Rattail Radishes.  So far neither variety of broccoli I planted has produced heads.  But the plants themselves are more intact than the last time I tried broccoli at least!  Carrots are growing, sunflowers are headed for the sky, and the okra is looking decent (though I’m not sure its as big as it should be).