This isn’t the first year we’ve not had a white Christmas. But usually it’s because we had a thaw a few days before, not because it hasn’t snowed at all.
This year it was mud and more mud and green grass. Seriously green grass. Which is a little disconcerting to look at when it’s Christmas and you’re headed to dinner with the family. Christmas Eve it hit 68 degrees out.
Over all though it was a good Christmas. Dinner was great. And not even ruined by the fact that my (Husband’s) niece is 12 going on 17 and managed to push her dad into an epic argument in the middle of it all. Knowing the two of them I doubt it was the first time its happened, and it sure won’t be the last.
Before we headed to my Inlaw’s for dinner we took the time to do a proper round of the property lines. We’ve been lazy about it recently. In the process discovered some interesting wildlife tracks.
(Ok, this first one was actually taken a few days earlier and I forgot to post) This must have been a BIG White-tail checking out the fruit trees. Rumor has it that a big 16 pointer has been seen in the area (always in non-hunt-able areas), makes me wonder if this is him:
If you look close there’s a (comparatively) tiny print in the top left corner.
Then right along the back line I found these:
But then I also found these, and I’m a bit baffled:
Not significantly bigger than the coyote tracks, but wider, the pad marks are wider and slightly differently shaped, and there’s no claw marks. In mud that soft there ought to be claw marks if it was a canine, even if they were well worn claws. The NY DEC insists that we don’t have big cat here, but I’m almost wondering if thats what these are from. I moved our one surviving trail camera from the trail by the stream to a spot where it can watch this trail. Hopefully my scent all over as I muddled over the tracks won’t scare off the wildlife……
Speaking of the weather, it looks like mother nature is going to try for a winter after all:
Tuesday morning’s work commute ought to be “interesting”……