Woke up Monday with a scratchy throat. I drank lots of hot tea and tried to ignore it. BTW, this home-made cough syrup works almost as well on a sore throat as it does on coughs. Though next time I make it I’m cutting the amount of lemon in half.
But by Tuesday morning it was obvious it wasn’t going to go away so I called my doctors office. No openings available till Friday evening (and that with a different doctor in the practice)! “But you can go to the urgent care in the same building if you want.” Yay. I hate going to urgent care, especially for something as minor as a scratchy throat, I always end up sitting there for hours. I took the Friday appointment, figuring I could always cancel if need be. If I didn’t really really like my doctor herself I’d have already changed doctors because of things like this. But I really really like my doctor, and she LISTENS to me, and I’ve just had a painful lesson in how important that is…….
By Wednesday morning I was pretty sure that what I actually have is the early signs of a sinus infection. The sore throat being caused by the post nasal drip. My sinuses themselves don’t hurt that badly yet, but my ears itch, which is a “good” sign of a sinus infection. Still wasn’t feeling really sick. Worked a 4hour shift at work after spending most of the day out in the 70degree early spring weather that Mother Nature gave us.
This morning, Thursday, I have almost no voice, and am feeling decidedly draggy, though I still have no real sinus pain. Maybe its not a sinus infection, though my ears still itch. I don’t work today, but I am supposed to work tomorrow morning. I’m sitting here trying to decide if I should give in and to go urgent care. One thing for sure, unless I’m feeling better by this evening I won’t be working tomorrow….
In other news, all my tomato and pepper seeds have been planted, along with seeds of the Tzimbalo Melon Pear, which caught my eye as I was seed browsing. Peppers have mostly sprouted. If the weather holds the sprouted pots will go out into the greenhouse next week. Which seems awfully early, and I keep waiting for Mother nature to dump a couple feet of snow on us…..but I have to admit I wouldn’t mind an early spring. I hope it stays decent though, if we do get a hard freeze after this 2 weeks of warm (that’s currently being predicted) its going to totally kill the apple crops.
I hate that sick, but not quite sick enough to give in to being sick.
Drives me nuts. The good news is the antibiotic seems to have done its job, so hopefully this’ll be the end of it.