And we wonder whats wrong with today’s kids….

I just found the answer:

You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” Harris said. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”

Nope, sorry, I don’t have to look at it from his POV.  17 is old enough to hold down a part time job.  17 is old enough to be doing odd jobs under the table to earn money.  By 17 I was working an average of 20+hrs a week, after school and weekends, for minimum wage.  There are plenty of ways he could have been earning the money the get his school clothes.  And that’s without doing his shopping at 2nd hand stores, where it’s entirely possible to come up with entire wardrobes worth of clothes for very inexpensively.

But he chose to break into someone’s home instead.

Regardless of what you think of the shooting, the above comment from the robber’s family should disgust you.  It’s the perfect example of WHY there’s a problem.

On a slightly amusing note, I can’t find a single picture of the home-owner anywhere, so I’m assuming she’s black too.  Guess it’s not fun for the media to persecute someone if they’re not white?


found over at Lagniappe’s Lair.