I know. Those of you who aren’t dog owners are probably going “WTF is Hemopet???” Heck, an awful lot of dog owners are probably doing the same thing.
Hemopet is a multifunction non-profit:
They run one of the largest canine bloodbanks in the country, filling 40% of the nationwide need for canine blood for transfusions. Yes, dogs need transfusions. Not only because of injury, but because of surgeries, or medical problems. If you’ve ever had a dog require major surgery, eat rat poison, be diagnosed with parvo, be diagnosed with IMHA, or any one of bunch of other issues, its very very likely your dog has received a blood transfusion, and there’s a 40% chance that blood came from Hemopet.
They provide a select list of blood testing, including one of the best thyroid labs you can have your dog’s bloodwork sent to.
They have run a variety of studies in vaccine efficacy, most recently proving that small dogs only need about half a dose of the standard vaccine package, reducing the load on the immune system for tiny dogs. They are also helping with a study to look at the efficiency of the rabies vaccine, to prove that (like the other core vaccines) the rabies vaccine lasts far longer than the 3yrs that the laws allows for. Hoping to reduce the number of dogs put down for rabies exposure just because their rabies vaccine had “expired”.
Unfortunately they’re in trouble. The state of CA audited them, and decided that they owe sales taxes, despite their status as a non-profit. A state Senate bill was created to ensure that non-profit canine blood banks were added to the list of not needing to pay taxes, and the Assembly modified it to state that they still owe BACK taxes, which would still require Hemopet to pay approx $81,000. Since they came in -$90,000 in 2015 anyway, $81,000 is more than can be come up with. Being forced to pay it would result in the shut down of Hemopet.
The country would lose 40% of its canine blood supply. Us owners would lose one of the best places to have a variety of bloodwork done. Not to mention the research they’ve been working on.
If you live in CA please go to the link above, follow the links, and send a letter to the committee that currently has control of the bill that controls Hemopet’s fate.
I’m not a dog-owner – I can hardly take care of myself – but all my neighbors are, so I did that (sent the letter).
It’s obviously good and necessary work they are doing, and this State is so massively fubar’d that it’s not surprising the Stupidslature would penalize good-work.
It sounds like something NY would do too. I know that I, as a dog owner, much appreciate your letter!