In true Upstate NY fashion we’ve had a few flurries of snow prior to today, but nothing really stuck (luckily, since it wouldn’t be out of normal for it to have done so).
Yesterday it hit 70 degrees by noon, and I was running around at work in short sleeves and sweating.
By 3:30 in the afternoon the sky had gone dark, winds came blasting through, and the temp dropped by 20 degrees in half an hour. Freezing rain by the time I was driving home. Sleet by the time Husband was driving home.
Woke up this morning to white grass, though it’s not otherwise sticking…..yet.
The prediction is that tonight it’ll really start accumulating, 6″ to over a foot depending on exactly where you are (which keeps changing every time I look at it). Last predicted accumulation map I saw put us in the 6-12″ category. We’ll see what we actually get.
Of course, this was predicted by Thursday, with the Winter Weather Warnings going out on Friday. Saturday at work I personally sold 4 snow-blowers, one co-worker sold 3 before I even got there, and another co-worker sold another 3 while I was helping other customers.
Plus snow shovels, ice melt, ice scrapers, and wood pellets.
I think last winter made the area lazy…….
Edited: Monday morning, 8am, looks like 6″ or so. Hard to tell with the wind causing drifting, but I doubt its more than that, so far anyway. They’re saying another 6″ to 12″ today……