Don’t catch this bug…..

Monday (tomorrow) will be two weeks since my symptoms popped up.

I wrote the last post because I did (and do) indeed feel better.  But I’m not well by any stretch.

I made it through a full day of work Thursday.  And then I came home and crashed.  I won’t say I slept for 24hrs straight, cause I didn’t, but I did a whole lot more sleeping in that span than I should have.  And had no energy at all when I was awake.

Tried to go into work Saturday, made it through an hour, came home and slept for 4hrs.

I still have massive amounts of post nasal drip going on, though almost no sinus pain.  Still coughing some, though a large portion of that may just be the post nasal drip.  My ears are still fucked all to hell though.  I’m having trouble hearing some quieter things.  And I noticed Saturday at work that I was having to concentrate on walking in a straight line.  Its not vertigo as such, but my balance is definitely off.

A couple folks at work who had the same thing told me that they spent 3 weeks from beginning to end before they really felt well.  Which isn’t comforting.  I guess I need to call my doctor again…..

2 thoughts on “Don’t catch this bug…..”

  1. You might want to think about seeing your PCP again for that balance thing. I see in a previous post she didn’t like what was left in your ears, but thought it was just leftovers from the sinus infection. However, with balance symptoms, you might have a low level ear infection (or even a higher level, you just don’t notice with your other miseries).

    Hope you get back to good health soon!

    • Yah, I’d about made that decision. The problem is getting an appt to see her as the office has been way backed up, and I’m disinclined to head back to urgent care. So we’ll see I guess.

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