

Those are my seedlings, tomato, pepper, melon, etc, waiting for the weather to warm up enough for them to be planted, picture taken last night.  Average last frost is today.  If the weather predictions hold I might be able to start planting out tomorrow.  Tonight we’re supposed to drop to the low 40’s, but after that….the lowest they’re predicting is 50 for the next 10 days.  The tires keep the dirt warm enough that I can plant as soon as air temps allow me to.    The lights in the picture are C9 non-LED christmas lights, they produce enough heat to keep the little greenhouses nice and warm.

Course, planting is going to be an exercise in frustration too.  I still don’t have full use of my right arm yet, its better, but not 100%.

4 thoughts on “waiting……”

  1. We had snow last weekend, then record breaking mid 90’s Wed-Thurs, frost this morning and high to be in the 50’s tomorrow. Mother Nature’s mood swings are going to extremes this May!

    Those plants look good – hope MN cooperates with your plans!

    • I think we’re good. General local knowledge says to not plant out stuff before memorial day (even in the areas where average last frost is two weeks before mine!), but Mother Nature appears to be cooperating. We had a dip into the low 40’s Friday night, but thats as close as we’ve gotten. So far about 2/3rds of the seedlings are out, and I hope to get the rest out today.

  2. I hope you’re getting warmer weather! Here in Quebec, this Victoria Day weekend is SUPPOSED to signal the last frost of the spring…but I just don’t buy it yet! It’s cold and rainy still, and my seedlings are HUGE in the window…I hope it warms up soon, I have to get them out in the garden! I love your indoor set up! One day I want to get a whole “seedling center” going!

    • All the seedlings are now out, and I’ve started planting the direct seed stuff (except lettuce and carrots and the like which went in weeks ago).

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