Garden update

As of Tuesday evening I’ve been able to get into the garden again!

I spent Wednesday weed whacking most of the weeds down.  My arm didn’t hurt for the weedwhacking, but it sure hurt the next day.  Oh well.  Annoying too, because I totally missed a row….

Planted out the 2nd attempt at most of the melons.

Weeded, and mulched with straw.  Ran out of straw, and keep forgetting to get more.

Haven’t gotten the 2nd layer of tomato cages on, and I’m not sure its worth bothering at this point, I guess I’ll just let them fall all over.

Its basically not stopped raining.  Oh Wednesday was dry enough I could weedwhack, but that was it.  Its been constant rain.  There’s standing water everywhere (hello mosquitos!) and even my raised beds are completely saturated.  Thankfully most of the plants seem to be doing ok despite it.

How much has it been raining?  Well, last week Watertown NY (north of me by a couple hours) got more rain in one day than they normally get for the entire month of June.  And in Utica NY they had this problem today.

Garden pictures hopefully tomorrow.  If the rain will let up enough to let me take them.

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