Garden Update

The first Bill Bean Tomatoes.  That big one weighed in at 1lb 15ounces.  It had some bug damage, but most of it was good.  None of the others on the vine are nearly as big though.  These would make a nice slicing tomato for someone who wants sandwich or munching slices.


Green Nutmeg Melons.  I was worried I started these to late, and maybe I did, but there’s a BUNCH of baby fruit forming.  Cross fingers!


First cantaloupe of the season!  It was very tasty too.


Yesterday’s harvest.  I pulled the largest of the Snow Leopard melons.  Information on how to tell when they’re ripe is distinctly lacking.  Its now the right color at least.  I found one page that said to pick it when the leaf at the stem died back, but that leaf wasn’t even starting to die back.  Two sites said that when ripe the flower end will have a slight give, and will smell sweet.  Well, it has a slight give, but it doesn’t smell sweet.  Maybe I’m just too impatient.  I’ll cut into it today and see what it tastes like.  Worst case, there’s a BUNCH more baby melons out there, so if I needed to wait longer I should have another chance!  But yah, watermelons you pick after the tendril at the stem base dies back (I usually wait a day or two beyond that for my sugar baby melons).  Cantaloupe fall of the vine when they’re ripe.  But apparently these do neither…..

Update: The Snow Leopard melon might not have been completely ripe, but it was still tasty!  Similar to a good Honey Dew Melon, mild but sweet.


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