Been both busy and not busy. And not had much I wanted to bother to type up.
We broke cold temp records for the area back at the beginning of Nov. And it snowed Sunday night, and it actually stuck long enough for Apollo to enjoy it. It’ll probably melt today, high is predicted to be 51. I took pictures but haven’t remembered to get them off the camera.
Life keeps trying to beat us over the head, and we keep resisting. I’d hoped to build a small greenhouse structure to replace the cheap plastic things I use, but that won’t be happening this winter after all. Which means buying a new set of cheap plastic things, because I kept forgetting to put away the two from last summer and I’m pretty sure the sun has killed the plastic (though to be fair, one of them needed to be replaced anyway).
This will be Husband’s first holidays without his mother and he’s taking it about as expected. As in, when his sister asked him if he had Thanksgiving plans he was struck speechless, cause no, Thanksgiving has always meant his mother cooked…..
We’ve been trying to switch the cats over to a mostly wet food diet. While they’ll both eat wet food no problem Trouble tends to be a grazer, which doesn’t work so well with set meal times of wet food, and so she looks like losing weight again, which she really doesn’t need to do. But if I try to put out kibble for her Shadow gobbles it up. Now SHADOW needs to lose weight, but of course its not that simple. I do have a “food tray” that requires them to pull out the kibble bits piece by piece to get them, but once Shadow figured that out it stopped slowing him down. There are a few different food bowls that will only open to the animal wearing the sensor tag, but I’m not sure I can convince her to wear a collar, she’s never worn one before. Plus they’re not especially cheap, and the cheapest one definitely has some issues, based on the reviews. There’s a really nice looking one that’ll trigger off of the animal’s microchip, and getting her chipped would be simple enough, but it’s $140. And I can’t quite convince myself to spend that much when I don’t know that she’d even use it. Choices.
Christmas is in full swing at work. Except for the live christmas trees. Which apparently got lost or something. Us and two other stores haven’t gotten their deliveries yet. The truck carrying them has completely disappeared. Awesome huh?
Holidays can be hard when family members are missing.
So I buy a break away cat collar….and she totally doesn’t care she’s wearing it. Cool!
I’ve only had one cat who was insistent she wouldn’t wear a collar – the rest have gotten used to it quickly and not made a fuss.
Even Fuzzy, the formally feral cat, took to a collar without any more fuss than that of actually getting it on him. I still have to sneak up on him when it is time to replace his flea collar. But once I’ve got him he doesn’t put up a fight during the exchange.
Holidays are hard when you’ve lost someone. Only time will help ease the pain of remembering the way things used to be.