Garden Pictures

Fish Peppers.  The bi-color leaves is a feature, not a bug.


Black Vernissage Tomato




Gagon Cucumbers


Mini White Cucumbers


Habaneros and two different kinds of paprika peppers


Sugar Rush Cream peppers


Onions, and a couple Blazing Stars that self seeded themselves into that tank


The Hungarian Hot Wax peppers (which, sadly enough) look much better now than they did a week ago


Cayenne Peppers


Black Trifele Tomatoes


Black Icicle Tomatoes


Datil Peppers.  Apparently they’re more sensitive to to much sun/heat (which is kinda funny, since they’re a Florida staple), and they didn’t handle the heat wave well.

So I rigged some shade for them, we’ll see how it works.



Peter Peppers.  Note, NOT named for some guy named Peter.  In this case “peter” is a euphemism.  Don’t google them on your work computer…….but it made me laugh, so I had to try growing them!


And there you go, a random selection of whats growing in my garden this year!