Oh boy

Some areas near me got upwards of a foot of snow overnight, though that only looks like 6-8″ to me here.

But this is the coming week’s predicted weather:


12 degrees??  In Nov??  *sigh* its gonna be one of THOSE winter’s isn’t it??


Saturday night I was loading one last piece of wood into the fireplace before bed, when my hand slipped, and I dropped the, fairly large, piece of wood, resulting in my left pointer fingertip getting caught between the edge of the lip of the fireplace and the piece of firewood.

I said a few words that I’m not supposed to say.  Getting a finger smashed ALWAYS feels like I’ve broken it, but experience has taught me that if I go and put ice on it right away it’ll feel 90% better in an hour or so.  So I put ice on it for 15 minutes, and then went to bed.

Sunday morning I got up…..and the finger still hurt.  Alot.  More than any bruised finger I’ve managed to give myself before.  Plus it was a bit swollen.  Not like a sausage or anything, but enough to notice.  I dug back out the ice pack and iced it off and on all morning.

By 2pm it was pretty obvious that the pain wasn’t going to go away, I take a prescription dose of anti-inflammatories every day, and it still hurt upwards of a 4 or 5 on the pain scale.  Not as much as the broken arm, but more than your normal bruise.  So I gave in and drove myself down to urgent care.

Urgent care says “not broken”, but these are the same folks who missed the hairline fracture in my arm last year, so I’m not holding my breath yet.  They did give me a splint and told me to wear it for 3 days, and if its not better to call my regular doctor.  It does feel better in the splint.

This morning most of the bruising style pain seems to be gone, but its still a bit swollen, and I get stabby pains if I take the splint off and get to energetic about doing things with it.


I’m starting to think I ought to have a post category for “Ruth injured herself again”!

Update: almost a week later- a large portion of the pain has gone away, though there’s a fair bit left if I bump it wrong.  Cross your fingers!  I had to stop wearing the splint, the inactivity of the finger was making it swell badly.  But so far not using it seems ok.

Didn’t mean to disappear, ooops

Just got busy.

And sick, cause god forbid I don’t come down with my regular fall respiratory infection.  I managed to avoid it last year by taking large quantities of Airborne (in the gummy chew form, the tablets taste nasty IMO).  I thought it might have been a fluke, but I stopped taking it after surgery, and of course I got sick a couple weeks ago.  Maybe I need to buy stock in Airborne.

Saw the podiatrist this week, he says that he doesn’t see the need to remove part of the toenail, and he couldn’t find a cause for the ingrown toenail problems.  He did trim back the corners of the nails of both big toes, and I have an appointment with him in two months to look things over.

I was hoping to do yellow hot pepper jelly this year with all the yellow hot peppers.  But all the low sugar pectins I can find are powders, and adding them changes the color of the jelly from yellow to golden brown.  Its not ugly, but its not yellow.  So now I need to decide if I want to try a full sugar batch, to be able to use a liquid pectin, or just live with it.

Husband has asked for jars of soup that he can take to work, that he doesn’t have to stick in the fridge, that he can just pop the top on and stick in the microwave.  He normally eats Campbells soups, but that requires a large bowl, and added water, and its not a simple work lunch like he wants.  Plus pre-packaged foods, extra salt, and all that.  My first experiment with a modified bean & bacon soup recipe turned out pretty decent, though it needs some modification for next time.  I’ll hopefully be jarring up a chicken soup this weekend, then he gets to experiment with adding pasta on the fly.

Now I need more pint jars…….