Two weeks ago we started a 3 day long “dry spell”. At which point local news pointed out that the last time we had 3 days in a row with no precipitation at all was back in Sept. No wonder my yard is wet. At the end of that dry spell we had barely half the yard mowed. We managed to get an additional ~1/4 of the yard mowed later last week, but thats about it. A not small portion of my yard is still waist high grass. And it just keeps raining. As I type this its pouring outside, with predictions of up to another 2″ of rain between last night and tomorrow morning. Blah.
8 thoughts on “Rain”
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We had that kind of rainy spring and started building our ark, but now we are dried up.
I wish ours would dry!
Ugh, I feel your pain at the moment. The lawn desperately needs to be mowed but it’s way too wet. The humidity is stifling here, my hair is a disaster lol…I dubbed it the “Rain-Fro”! 🙂
I sympathize! Mine can get that way too, though I’m used to putting it up in a bun for work so at least that helps some.
I think we also got 3 days without rain. Course of two of them I was pulling massive hours at work – working thru lunch too. And Saturday I worked in the afternoon. Went to mow on Sunday and it started raining half-way thru. My neighbor’s lawn didn’t get mowed until today because it has rained every day since.
However, we haven’t gotten huge amounts of moisture, so that is something anyway.
Hope you get some dryness in the near future!
me too!
re the yard, do you know anybody who has (access to) one of those mowers (like a large hedge clipper) that is used to mow roadside weeds?
nope and couldn’t get it back there if I did, its still to wet!