Garden and flowers

Since I was on crutches and generally not mobile during the garden prep season I didn’t really do much of a garden this year.

Some peppers in pots on the back porch. Some melons in the raised stock tank beds.

A zucchini plant, a pumpkin plant, and a cucumber plant.

I picked two tires to become (hopefully) permanent plantings, Bakers Creek seeds had hardy figs that are supposed to be hardy down to zone 5, which I am. Apparently they’re more bushes than trees here, so this should work about right.

The rest of the garden is going to hell right now. I’ve weed-whacked it, put down a pre-emergent, and roundup, and its still full of weeds and grass. 3 years of neglect coming home to roost I guess. I’ll have to decide how I want to go about getting it back into a condition I can plant in as I continue to become more mobile. I’m off crutches except for work at this point, but the ankle is still not back to full strength (probably another 6 months per the ortho), and so there’s limits to how much I can do at one time.

The fennel in the tractor tire bed is coming back, as are the snap dragon flowers, I’d also planted some purple balloon flowers for early color and as you can see they’re doing well too.

I also planted some flowers in the half barrel planters by the back porch.