Links (8/24/22)

I normally try to only do link dumps once a week, but I didn’t get them done for a couple weeks, and now I have so many…so here’s a 2nd one this week, and I still have more to go

Children who were toddlers or younger during the Covid waves are way behind in speech and ability to read faces.

The CDC keeps putting out bad study after bad study on covid.

Aus recommends vax for under 5yrs old only in cases of extreme immune compromise.

Denmark has stopped the vax campaign untill the fall wave hits. Also, no longer gives the vax to under 18’s without a specific doctor’s reference of severe compromised immunity.

Masks not mandatory in Ontario schools this fall.

Facemask trash harming wildlife

High-school grads starting college, are completely unprepared due to covid

Child vax mandates increase school inequality

New Orleans mandates covid vax for children as young as 5 in order to receive schooling

Philly school district mandates masks for prekindergartners for the year

Comparing European child covid response to the USA‘s

Philippines still hasn’t reopened schools

Covid rules mean 8yr old recovering from being shot/paralyzed can only see his family once a week

1-5 seriously ill black americans were unable to get health care during covid disruptions, regardless of health insurance status. The numbers are worse American Indians, and only slightly better for whites.

Preprint from Thailand: the cardiovascular effects of the vax on children under 18 could be even worse than previously suspected. A look at the study.

Healthcare workers fired over vaccine mandate awarded $10million

Shanghai citizens flee from risk of lockdown in Ikea

Iceland: rate of reinfection from Omicron

.GOV Headstart program requires children as young as 2 to wear facemasks

Cali elementary school calls police after 4yr old refuses to wear a mask

Gasoline demand is lower now than it was in 2020. Which probly don’t say good things for the economy.

France still does all its voting on paper, in person, and hand counted. ID required.

A breakthrough in battery technology, given to China.

Carbon Dioxide shortage

I’m pretty sure thats illegal: NYC Mayor requesting photos of of all applicants applying for city jobs, in order to increase diversity

Princeton to use diversity filter to choose vendors

Minneapolis says it will lay off white teachers first

Sure, zombie pigs sounds like a good idea….NOT

Resurrecting the Tasmanian Tiger

New shipping rules could cut shipping availability by 75%

No good deed goes unpunished

Trying to stop the carp invasion

Trans activists admits (on social media) to sending hormones to youth without a prescription. Gets miffed when people notice.

2017: IRS apologizes for targeting people and groups by their political stance.

IRS audits the poor at 5 times the rate of everyone else

UK expects to have power outages in January

Spain cracking down on AC use

2016: FBI ran a website of child porn

FBI agent arrested for crimes against children

FDA expands monkey pox vaccine use to children with no trials

First off: if you love dogs don’t read THIS link. 2nd-first confirmed case of human to dog transmission of monkey pox. 3rd-if you treat your dog in a reasonably humane manner you don’t have anything to worry about

A look at whats behind the farm cuts

Serbian Farmers joining the protests

NY Gov signs law to remove the term “inmate” from use

Biomarker for POTS found

2018: Google bought Mastercard data to use to target ads for items bought offline

I had no idea Phonics had been REMOVED from schools!

Cali math curriculum guidelines

2014 electric car: replacement battery costs more than the car, but it doesn’t matter, cause the batteries aren’t available anyway

Hospital warns of shortage of children’s tylenol and similar meds

The original baby drop box

The most ridiculous duel in history

200 sex trafficking victims found

Your John Deere tractor can run DOOM

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