I discovered LawDog’s blog years ago. If you’ve not been reading it you need to do so. He tells awesome stories from his childhood and officer of the law days. And he has a good head on his shoulders when it comes to identifying bullshit.
However, its possible, that when you click the link above it may not work. Or that the front page will work, but not the older stuff.
See, when the Nordstream pipeline had its issues LawDog dug up his memories as a child of an oilfield engineer and typed up a couple posts. And they went viral. And then some idiot decided he needed to be punished for it and set bots to blowing up his bandwidth allowance.
I have issues when it comes to letting the idiots win. So when another member of the community pointed out that LawDog’s posts are still available via the WayBack Machine I decided I had to help share the love.
The wayback machine can be slow to load, so be patient with it. And bookmark LawDog’s blog’s main link while you’re at it. He’ll be back up on Nov 1. He’s worth reading. Don’t let the idiots win, k?
Thanks for sharing! I’m sure the ‘Dog appreciates it as well.