Twitter thread with charts and links: A look at ED visits from before 2020 through 2022 and causes and outcomes. Of specific note: despite media reports otherwise Chicago had less ED visits in spring 2020 than in prior years flu seasons.
Do you follow E Woodhouse on Twitter? If you’re on Twitter you should. She’s finding all SORTS of interesting data on covid numbers. This time: Ohio (of all places) had a positive Covid test in Nov 2019 that was then excluded from the data sets. And Covid was in NYC in January 2020 at a minimum.
The plan is super simple: just keep taking these shots annually and we agree to never study them with an RCT. (quote from here)
Revisiting “Covid is a leading cause of death in children” … AGAIN. More (twitter thread with links and charts)
Yes, living through the pandemic was associated with some infant communication impairments
Research Covers How Masks Affect Listeners’ Comprehension
The New York Times admits that mask mandates did nothing
Study finds spike in suicide rates for Black adolescents, young adults in 2021
German Minister admits they went to far with Covid lockdowns
Study on the effectiveness of the C19 vax on college campuses never completed
Alcohol-specific deaths in the UK: registered in 2021 (up over 27% from 2019). Meanwhile the USA is up over 30% in 2021 vs 2019
Updated list of states that won’t force the C19 vax on school kids
Feb 2023: woman in rehab facility forced to wear diaper, given only tylenol for pain, because she tested positive for covid
A federal judge blocks a law that punishes doctors for ‘misinformation.’
Study confirms that NY’s covid policies caused more damage than they helped.
Gear Purchased by City as Part of $224 Million in COVID Contracts Auctioned Off for Just $500,000
The 112-Year Odyssey of Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccines-Mistakes Made and Implications for the Future. quote: Because of linked-epitope suppression, all children who were primed by DTaP vaccines will be more susceptible to pertussis throughout their lifetimes, and there is no easy way to decrease this increased lifetime susceptibility.
2016: Medical Errors now third leading cause of death in the USA
No actual data showing aluminum antiperspirant the cause of breast cancer
To be Republican is evil apparently. And god forbid you think Affirmative Action is a bad thing.
Tylenol during pregnancy may increase risk of ADHD, more, more
Connecticut Parents Arrested for Letting Kids, Ages 7 and 9, Walk to Dunkin’ Donuts
The Stranger Danger myth: The actual risk of a teen or child being abducted by a stranger and killed or not returned is estimated at around 0.00007%, or one in 1.4 million annually—a risk so small that experts call it de minimis, meaning effectively zero
A look at the exodus from public schooling
How Ideologues Infiltrated the Arts
Inmates should be able to donate organs or bone marrow in exchange for reduced time in prison, according to a proposed bill in Massachusetts.
Roomba recorded data ends up on Facebook
2010: Scottish sheep farms finally free of Chernobyl fallout
Transporting LiON batteries is no big deal right? Just ignore the car carrier fires….
Alligator-catfish hybrids
Man sues woman who rejected his affections
A short history of saturated fat: the making and unmaking of a scientific consensus
US food additives banned in Europe
A common artificial sweetener might be making you fatter and sicker, a new study says
Study finds common artificial sweetener linked to higher rates of heart attack and stroke
Planting trees in cities could cut heat deaths
Scotland’s wind turbines actually running on diesel.
The logistics required to travel in an EV
Proposed regulations on the energy efficiency of clothes washers and fridges
Ford’s new self driving car will repossess itself if you miss payments
What happens when Cheating becomes the norm?
More on the Twitter files
The family of T.C. Williams would like their $25,000 donation back from the University of Richmond. With interest it comes to $51 million
Some of those Chinese weather balloons might not have been Chinese after all
The Witch Trials of JK Rowling
James Bond books edited
Exercise more to live longer
Eurasian Eagle Owl now happily living in NYC’s Central park
Of all the conspiracy theories to come true in the last few years, the one that “birds aren’t real” was not one I expected
You Can Now Download 1,700 Free 3-D Cultural Heritage Models
FL suspends tax on baby care items.
NASA spies Martian rocks that look just like a teddy bear
Alligator-catfish hybrid. Can’t nothing go wrong with that 😉
right? No potential there at all….