And yet more snow

Not long after my previous post the weather folks upped their forcast to 10-12inches for Syracuse proper (and I may not be in the city, but there’s certinally that much on my front porch at the moment). That will put the season totals for the city at over 170inches. With the rest of March, all of April, and maybe even some of May ( yes May, my first year in the area we had actual accumulation on Mother’s day) to still add to the total. The season record is 190inches. I’d be perfectly happy not breaking that record this year…….

Edited to add, that although the abomindable snow puppy LOVES snow, and snow drifts and piles, he doesn’t like snow when its up to the cute little bare patch on his belly the WHOLE time he’s out there…..


If I didn’t know for a fact that they plan these days if not weeks ahead of time……

its perfect timing, we just had almost all the snow in the yard melt away by last night…..and its snowing again and they’re predicting 7 inches.  Grrrrr

About breeders in general.

This is a part 2 to my previous post here. I’ve already gotten questioned on our thought process of not “rescuing” a dog and getting one from a breeder instead. In the process I discovered some major pre-conceptions that are very prevalent in society about breeders in general.

Now before I get started, this is a big long rant, so click below at your own risk.

Now I’m not saying that those ideas are wrong, infact in many cases they’re right, but people (as is too common) are ready and willing to believe the stereotype no matter what the evidence.  

I have met proof that the stereotypes are not all there is.  Suzie of Himalaya Tibetan Mastiffs is not the “backyard breeder” of stereotype.  Her property is lovely, I’d love to own it myself, and her kennels are well maintained and clean.  She puts insane amounts of time and energy into her (15 adult) dogs, the sorts that good parents put into their children, and manages to do it while holding down a full time job (admittedly one with flexible hours).  She’s a Worldwide and American Kennel Club registered judge for the Tibetan Mastiff breed, but don’t worry that she’ll sugar coat them for you, if she doesn’t think that they’re a breed thats going to work out for you she WILL say so.  She’d rather hold onto her puppies for extra weeks or even months or years, if thats what it takes to find them a good home.

So how do you tell if the breeder you’re talking to is a good breeder that cares for the dogs as her children, or one who’s just breeding for the money the puppies will make her?  Well, the answer is a bit complicated, and depends on the situation and the breed in question.

When you contact the breeder initially do they want to know about the living situation you’re in and plan to place the dog in? or do they not care?

Do they want to tell you about their dogs, not just the awards won, but temperaments, physical tests passed (including tests for hip dysplasia, thyroid, or other genetic problems) as well as where you can find the public results of those tests for yourself? (because yes, those results are made public, usually for no fee)

Are they willing to invite you into their home to see their dogs?  and/or give you references to check out, including folks you can talk to who have purchased dogs from them that you can see talk about?

Alot of people stop at this point, if they’ve gotten there at all.  Afterall you just want a pet, why does this extra research matter?  In reality it matters alot.  A puppy from parents of stable temperament and in good health is more likely to have a good temperament and stay in good health themselves.  And trust me THAT matters.

Watch out for breeders of show dogs who are offering “pet quality” puppies for a discounted price.  Find out WHY the puppy isn’t considered show quality.  If its just a color variation that’s not allowed (or is less preferred) in the ring (not uncommon in some breeds) that’s fine, but if its because of a physical defect….some of those physical defects will end up costing YOU big-time down the road, in medical and vet bills, not to mention time and sanity as your pet copes with pain and suffering.  A kinked tail isn’t a huge deal, however deafness or blindness (even partial) can make training your dog very difficult, hip and elbow problems (including dysplasia) can result in quite a bit of pain for the dog and can require major surgery to correct.  An “inverted vulva” may not sound like a big deal….till you realize that it can mean major and constant UTIs, and can only be corrected with major surgery which doesn’t always work and can cause incontinence.  Lotsa fun huh?

Price is another issue people stop on.  Afterall the higher the price the more likely the breeder is in it for the money…..right?  Actually, its likely just the opposite.  Lower priced puppies are going to be easier to sell, thus making room for more puppies that can be sold.  Are there breeders out there looking to gouge customers with higher prices sure, but stop and think about what it actually costs to raise a litter of pups:

  • First you have the cost of basic health care and feeding of mom.  
  • Not to mention the cost of showing mom till she gets at least her Championship.  The championship itself is probably going to cost the breeder several thousand $.  
  • A good breeder is also going to take mom in for a pre-natel check at the vets to be sure she’s in good health and up to carrying a litter of pups.  
  • Then there’s dad, if the breeder doesn’t own dad then she’s paying a stud fee for his use, and if he’s a champion as well then that stud fee is going to cost more.  If the breeding is done face to face with actual sexual contact then there’s the risk and cost of transporting one or both dogs to the meeting.  If the breeding is done with artificial insemination (not uncommon) then there’s vet bills involved.
  • While she’s pregnant (approx 63 days) mom requires additional food and supplements to ensure the health of herself and her puppies, as well as additional vet care, and she’s going to require the same if not more while she’s nursing (the first 8 weeks or so of the puppies’ lives).
  • Once the puppies start eating dog food themselves (which starts at about week 5 though they’re not usually considered weaned till about week 8) they are also going to require special food and supplements to ensure health, as well as vet checks of their own, including vaccines, worming, and possibly other medications.

In smaller breeds the cost of food and general care is less, the larger the dog though the more its going to eat and the more its going to cost to keep them up properly.  AND all this assumes no major complications.  What if mom requires a c-section to give birth?  Some breeds ONLY give birth this way and they’re going to cost you more because of it, but even breeds that normally have no trouble birthing can require additional help under the correct circumstances.  Its all things to keep in mind.

So lets stop and think about it, if you have decided to go to a breeder for your puppy what would you prefer, an inexpensive puppy that could end up costing you so much more down the road because the breeder didn’t care?  Or spending a little more now to ensure a healthy dog down the road?

A Puppy Discovers SNOW!!!!

And LOVES it!!!!

Photos below the break, so those of you who aren’t interested don’t have to tie up your bandwidth loading them.

Apollo (already shortened to ‘pollo) thought that the snow was the best thing he ever saw.  He was digging for squirrels (after all their TRACKS are here therefor they MUST be under here), rolling in it, and bouncing all over.  Good thing he has the coat for it! 

The newest member of the family

We spent the weekend driving down to southern VA and back to pick up the newest member of our family.  I introduce to you Saras Himalaya Apollo.

Thats my husband holding him, and yes the puppy is that big.  He was 10 weeks old on Saturday and he weighed in at 24 pounds.

(yes I know its a pink leash, I needed a lightweight leash that he could use short term, it was what they had.  He’s going to need a heavier leash very quickly.)

We spend the night at Suzie’s (the breeder) place, got to meet her dogs, including her elderly “puppies” one of which is a female who’s 15yrs old and still going strong. 

Here’s a picture of Queenie, the dam of our puppy:

For reference, my husband is 6’1″ barefoot, in the workboots he was wearing he’s over 6’2″.  She’s not the biggest Tibetan Mastiff by any rate, but she’s still not small! 

The Honor Harrington Series by David Weber

Zercool posted today about how he’s been reading this series, and I was delighted to see it.  I’ve quite enjoyed the series, even though Weber did end up decidedly political and far to deep in the relationships by books 9 and 10.  Someone must have pointed it out to him though because book 11 Crown of Slaves (not counting the short story books) was a well done push outwards at universe.  I own the entire series in dead tree format (actual book format as apposed to ebook format, which I also have them in).

If you’re looking for a science fiction series to pick up, and don’t mind one that is made up of a large number of not small books this is a series you should consider.  As a plus, if you have an ebook reader, or don’t mind reading on your computer, pretty much the entire series is availible in, legal, free (and DRM free as well) ebook form in a variety of formats.  If you don’t have any lucking find them online (or don’t trust the various sources) drop me a line and we’ll arrange something!

**edited to correct a variety of typo’s and rephrase some stuff.  Geez I couldn’t type today!