I haven’t managed to post about it, but I am planning on a garden for this year. Infact I managed to score a pallet of organic garden soil to top off the garden with at 75% off a couple months ago. We didn’t manage to get the wooden greenhouse set up last year, so I purchased another plastic cover for the plastic one.

I was very amused to discover that a large portion of the carrots I failed to pick last year have survived the winter and are now sprouting. It’ll be interesting to see if I can collect seeds. Even some of the parsnips are coming back up! Unfortunately the ants have invaded this bed again. Fortunately 2nd year carrots aren’t considered edible, they’re grown for seeds, so I can put down an insect killer and not worry about it to much.

Pepper seedlings out in the greenhouse. I’ve a few still left in the growtent in the house, along with all the tomatoes that I just planted.
We’d been originally thinking we’d go with a smaller than usual garden, for several reasons, but now I’m rethinking that. I’ve started seeds for our normal amount of tomatoes, we’ll see where things go from there. I do have 3 or 4 tire planters that need to be sprayed with weed killer and insect repellent and then covered with black plastic for a few months to kill everything that’s in them, but I think I can work around them well enough.
We’ll make it work!