Scam FB Ads

I’ve been seeing a new trend in Facebook Ads the last few years, and especially this calendar year.

I started noticing it in 2020.

Customers were coming into the store, having purchased this AWESOME DEAL on patio furniture online, after clicking on a Facebook ad. The ad said it from Home Depot. The page looked like Home Depot’s site, the emails said they were from Home Depot. And the final email said to pick up their purchase at the local store!

There was just one little tiny problem. Neither the ads, website, or the emails were from anyone at Home Depot. The actual website address wasn’t HD’s, the email addresses weren’t from HD.

Most of these folks didn’t have a screenshot of the ad they’d clicked on. And I have no clue if they were able to get their money back.

Beginning of this summer I had a customer come in looking for “the raised bed kit you have on sale”. After a bit of back and forth, with me insisting we don’t have a raised bed kit on sale, he pulls out his phone, opens up his FB app, and right there front and center is the advertisement. With the link out clearly showing it wasn’t an HD page, even though the big bold print said Home Depot.

Oddly enough none of these ads were coming across MY feed. I was seeing plenty of scam ads, but none of these spoofed pages. But the last few months I started noticing a new trend in the scam ads, and that was the scammers were hacking actual real business pages (small medical practices appear to be popular), and placing scam ads via those pages. Then just the last few weeks, I apparently clicked on something that told FB I wanted to buy postage stamps. Suddenly my FB page was filled with scam pages selling fake forever stamps. Yay.

Yesterday however I got my first fake Lowes ad, and then another, and another.

You’ll notice that the profile image isn’t Lowes, and the website listed isn’t Lowes. Here’s the actual page that the ad is from:

Betting thats a hacked page.

I failed to get a screenshot of the page this next one is from, but still, can you spot the problems:

Or here, the ad, and the website it went to when I clicked through:

Just a heads up, if someone is selling a Honda Inverter Gen, new, for under $900, run far and fast and don’t give them your info.

Who or what is Tactical Sh!t

and why are they sending me spam emails? I did finally track down the website, and there doesn’t appear to be a contact page, or a “remove me from your fucking spam list you moron” option (ok, I know, no one actually has THAT as an option, but really, that’s really what it ought to be called). And I refuse to click on a link in a spam email that I never signed up for anyway.

I mean, is there ANYONE who actually LIKES being added to email lists without your permission? I know all it does for me is annoy me into black listing the website in question. Hell, I’ve STOPPED BUYING a much liked product because the company could not get their head around “stop sending me sales emails” even though I had “no emails” checked AND I’d used the unsubscribe option in the first one and they kept emailing me AND I’d then emailed them and told them to remove me from all non-order-specific emails and they STILL kept emailing me.

Let me count the ways you’re a scammer

1: says he got my email from a mailing list, except, that email is never used on mailing lists

2: then proceeds to make it clear he actually did look at my site

3: “you TOTALLY want to link to my site right? Your readers will LUV this topic thats COMPLETELY unrelated to anything you’ve ever posted about!”

4: “my mommy says I’m the best and I know you’ll agree if you’d just click through my spam link so I can get clicks!!”

5: random reference to “wife’s dressing room”

6: “if you share my link on your blog you’ll be like a hero or something!”

7: really dumbly fake foreign sounding name

8: sends repeated emails each trying a different version of the tactic, cause obviously I’ll change my mind THIS time

Dear Spammers, Scammers, and Online Idiots

You read the “About Me” page far enough to get the email to contact me at.  So I’m going to assume you read the part where I told you not to contact me if your sole purpose of the email is to get me to link to a post on your “blog” in an attempt to make you money.

So when you send me an email asking me to link to a post on your “blog” (cause that’s a commercial money making page and not a true blog if I ever saw one), because there’s a post on my blog that’s “similar” and to prove it you include a link to my blog that doesn’t actually link to any specific post but to a generic date grouping, I’m going to assume you’re a moron who can’t actually read and ignore you.

And when you double down on the stupid by sending me a follow up email with the line “did you see my first email” I’m going to respond with a profanity laden email that you will not appreciate pointing out your stupidity and lack of reading skills.

So just skip the whole email thing and consider this your response.

“acid” whey, scare mongering, and the media

Ok, a bit of background.  For our wedding anniversary we bought ourselves an Instant Pot.  Not the cheapest thing ever, but I know several folks who have one and love it, and we decided to get one.  We’ve not used it as much as we’d have liked (hello stupid PIA New Year!) but I’ve had great results from almost everything we’ve tried in it.

This also means, that since I’m running mostly one handed right now and can’t lift the thing I’ve been researching recipes and options and what not instead of actually using it much.  I’ll be very likely trying yogurt in the near future (well, once I can use two hands to lift that gallon of milk with…..).

Many yogurt recipes, especially those based off of greek yogurt, call for you to strain the yogurt.  The resulting liquid is whey.  Specifically “acid” whey.  This results in alot of FB posts from people asking what to do with this whey.  The answer being use it to replace milk in many baked goods, add it to smoothies, feed it to your four legged pets…..and pour it in your garden as fertilizer.

The last suggestion results in a massive uproar EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Seems the media has made much fuss about “acid” whey.  Its ACIDIC don’t you know!  It’ll KILL THE FISH if it gets in the water ways!!!  OMG!!!!

See here, here, here, here…..even the articles that talk about what can be done to use the whey still help participate in the fear-mongering scare tactics.

Lets get a few things straight.

Acid whey has an average PH of 4.3-5.1 depending on the exact process and milk used.  This does certainly tip the side of the PH scale as acidic.

Apples have an average PH of 3.3-4.0.  Are we going to start calling apples “acid apples”?  Blueberries run 3.1-4.5.  Cooking vinegar (the stuff you buy at the grocery) runs at a PH of 2.4-2.6.  Vinegar is actually acidic enough to kill the green portion of most plants, but won’t actually kill the roots of most things.

Dumping large quantities of acid whey (or allowing large quantities to run off into waterways) does cause severe damage to waterways.  But not because its acidic.  The same damage would be caused if you dumped equal quantities of milk (PH 6.4-6.8) into the waterways, or human blood (PH 7.4), or the like.  It has to do with the introduction of large quantities of biological mass into a system not prepared to deal with it.  Folks who are serious fish tank keepers understand this concept even if they haven’t generalized it.

The small amounts of whey produced by the average home yogurt maker isn’t going to harm things if its poured into the garden.  Pouring it directly into a stream or the like might cause some damage, for the reasons stated above, but even there, in a moving water system its going to be diluted fast.  So don’t pour it into your fish pond, but the garden is fine.

If you actually pay attention to the above articles you’ll note that several of them state that farmers use it for fertilizer and the only limit on how much they use is avoiding run off of large quantities.

Its not going to kill your garden.  Well, I suppose if you poured all of your whey in the exact same spot, every day, for weeks on end and didn’t do any watering and it didn’t rain the plant in question might not be happy with you, but really….

So can we stop the fear mongering scare tactics yet??

Grump Grumble…..

I shared a “both candidates suck so I don’t care who you voted for, lets go get drunk together” meme on Facebook a couple days ago.  For the record, I don’t drink alcohol, but this election had me considering it.

A couple liberal FB friends decided that what that really meant was that I loved Trump and therefore needed to be yelled at.  The discussion didn’t go well and I’m now short (at least) two FB friends.  Or maybe that should read: The discussion went pretty well and now I don’t have to watch at least two folks whine about Trump any more.

For the record: I’m pretty sure Trump will suck as Prez and I’m just hoping he manages to do something to curb the trend to send out stuff to China, but I’m not holding my breath on that either.  However I’m really not worried about him deciding to round up minorities for re-education training either.  We didn’t get registration and concentration camps after 9/11 (when the general public might have been amenable) we’re certainly not going to get them now.  Nor am I especially worried that he’s going to start removing rights from minorities either.  Among other things the large majority of those laws are at the state level and I figure Trump’s ability to convince states as a whole to do that is pretty much non-existent.  Since most of the folks I  know who voted for Trump did so while figuratively holding their noses and with the understanding that he was going to require some close watching, yah, the fact that he won so many states doesn’t change that figuring.  I’ll also note that for all of the media’s uproar over Trump’s treatment of women the worst they could find about Trump and gays was that a guy who used to work at a business Trump owns is suing because he feels he was treated badly by his co-workers after coming out as gay.  There’s zero evidence that Trump had anything to do with it except for owning the company, and since that’s the only such suit I can find it also doesn’t exactly show that such was normal for Trump owned businesses.

Nor am I overly worried about Pence.  One, he’s the VP, and two, he’s not Cheney.  Stop wishing harm on Trump and you aren’t likely to have to deal with Pence.  Now Bannon…..but Bannon isn’t signing laws into being either, so that’s a different worry anyway.

But apparently telling people that they need to spend more effort actually learning how the government works is “name calling” and telling them not to get their panties in a twist is “offensive” and telling them that offending further their friends and neighbors who are their local home support is a really bad idea is “making fun” of them.

And the fear-mongering has really got to stop.  Yesterday I saw a headline that stated “If Trump forces Muslims to register then Jews ought to register with them cause Jews know what its like!!”.  I didn’t read the article.  But yah, thats helpfull for actually getting things done…….

In other news my work got in their first delivery of live Christmas Trees on Tuesday.  I came home from work covered in pine sap, pine needles, and swearing about my new dept head (its not going well, but I finally remembered him from my previous time of employment with the company, short form, I’m now carrying solely purple and pink pens on the sales floor and it’ll be interesting to see how long it’ll take him to notice).  Along that note: I know that the big box store with the orange aprons advertises that they carry fresh cut Christmas trees that are delivered regularly.  But the reality is (at least here in Upstate NY) that they get a couple deliveries the week before Thanksgiving and that’s it.  By the time you’re buying that live tree a week or so before Christmas that tree has been cut for over a month……

Shelter renting out dogs to pokemon players: False

If you’re a dog lover, or a Pokemon Go player, on Facebook you’ve probably seen (or had someone mention to you) this post:



A quick search and it was quickly proved to be false.  Snopes link.

Apparently there IS a shelter, who is attempting to get people who are playing Pokemon Go to walk their dogs.  Very cool concept.  It gets dogs out of the shelter for a bit, gets them exercise, and gets them out in public.

However they aren’t RENTING the dogs out.  They haven’t made a fortune on the scheme.  They haven’t sold off all their dogs.

Folks, Google (or the search engine of your choice) is your friend when it comes to this sort of thing.  Before you share that too good to be true post do a quick search and make sure its not fake…..k?

The disconnect between food, and where it comes from, is real.

This one requires its own little rant.

Benner Farm has been around since 1977.  In order to help make ends meet they allow folks onto the property for strawberry picking and birthday parties and similar type events.

This year that practice has backfired on them, big time.

A city girl by the name of Kimberly Sherriton, who clearly doesn’t understand some fairly basic facts of life, met their 2yr old cow while on the property for a birthday party (the article calls it “involved”, I’m betting they’re quoting this idiot, cause I don’t know ANYONE who calls it “involved” when it comes to animals).  And has decided that the family who owns the farm should be required to send the cow to rescue and buy their meat at Whole Foods instead.

“He doesn’t need this cow to survive and feed his family. He puts a sob story on there. Please, tell him to go to Whole Foods and go get some anti-biotic free beef there,” she said.

Yes, you’re reading that right.  Apparently the meat sold in the stores doesn’t come from an actual animal or something.  As commenters elsewhere said, Ms Sherriton ought to be required to watch the entire process of what exactly her precious store bought, antibiotic free, Whole Foods sold, meat goes through to get from live animal to table.

Supposedly folks were going to protest outside the farm this past weekend in an attempt to force the family to not slaughter the cow.  I can’t find any actual coverage of the protest, all the articles are basically reprints of what I posted above.  So here’s hoping there wasn’t actually much of a show.

EDITED: Thanks to ThreeCollie (in the comments), here’s a link to the petition to help support the Benners Farm!

In case you ever wondered….

… the stupid and false memes and pictures get spread on social media.

I ran across this on Facebook.  Names and pictures obscured to protect the innocent and the stupid.



Yes, the original person shared a picture with a false caption (without double checking it).  I know this person, she’s a nice lady, but occasionally way too trusting of the internet.

The first commenter posts a link to the snopes page on the photo, and yes, the photo is NOT of a Himalayan flower, but infact of a sea creature.  A very basic search proves that.

The next two commenters (and there has been a 3rd since I took this screenshot) completely ignore the snopes link.

Basic internet search guys.  Its easy and quick.  And saves you from looking stupid infront of the world.

Dogs in Cars

Yes, dogs die in hot cars.  And yes, there are climates where, for most of the year, even parking in the shade with the windows for just a few minutes down may not be enough to keep the dog cool enough.  And yes, they cook to death in the heat.

But lets clear a few things up.  Cause this is just ridiculous.

First off, dogs don’t suffocate in cars.  I have yet to see a single consumer vehicle that actually seals air tight.  Maybe some of the newest high end fancy cars with extra good sound insulation are (though I doubt it, cause what car maker wants to be sued because you suffocated in their car).  But certainly the average car on the road isn’t.  A dog in a car with the windows rolled up isn’t going to suffocate to death.  No matter what the weather conditions.

Second, even in the hottest climates in the USA, if the dog is in a car that has been left with the AC going the dog is not going to overheat.

And in much of the rest of the country, parking in the shade with the windows most of the way down is plenty on all but the insanely hottest of days to keep a healthy dog from overheating.

And if the car owner has put up shading and a fan and water then the dog is REALLY  not going to overheat.

Oh, and while we’re at it, “panting” alone is not a sign that a dog is overheating.  Yes, I know that the little blurbs that the media keeps putting out say that “panting” is a sign of overheating.  You know what?  They’re fucking stupid.  Dogs pant for MANY more reasons than just because they’re hot.  Stress or excitement can cause panting.  You coming over to pound on the window and stare at the dog could be enough to cause a sensitive dog to start panting.  And even it the dog is panting because its warm it doesn’t mean he’s overheating.  A dog who pops up to greet you isn’t overheating.  Even if he’s panting.  Even if he’s fussing at you.  A dog doesn’t sweat, he pants instead.  Just like us humans can be sweating (even sweating alot) without being in danger of heat stroke, a dog can be panting (even panting alot) without being in danger of heat stroke.

A dog who’s panting due to overheating is ALSO going to be flat on the floor or footwell of the car in the only shade he can find, and he’s NOT likely to pop to his feet to greet you.  A dog who’s panting due to overheating will ALSO be drooling excessively.

You know what causes a dog to crash suddenly from overheating?  Assholes who can’t mind their own business and so over-excite the dog by pounding on the window and calling the dog and exciting the dog to the point where he overheats himself in his excitement and crashes.  Yes, by repeatedly “checking on the dog” you could cause him to overheat and potentially die.  So back off asshole.

And third……I keep seeing it reported that there are 16 states where it’s illegal to leave your dog in the car.  Do any of those folks actually bother to READ the laws they’re reporting on?

In 15 of those 16 states the laws  specifically require that the dog be left in such a way that harm or death will result in order for it to be illegal.  And in case you somehow got to this paragraph without reading the above, no, leaving your dog in the car does not automatically sentence him to death.

The only state with laws specific to dogs in cars that doesn’t have that provision is Tennessee.  And even in Tennessee you’d better be willing to swear under oath that you believed the animal was in imminent danger of death.  Unfortunately there are idiots who think that any dog left in any car regardless of anything else is in danger, which makes laws like this one dangerous.  

Now, I keep seeing online commentary that there are individual cities with laws prohibiting dogs in cars.  I’ve yet to actually be able to find any such law.  Several have laws similar to the above mentioned 15 states, where leaving a dog in a car in a manner that will result in harm or death is specifically prohibited, but again that’s not the same thing.  Mind, apparently even some responding police seem to be unaware of the difference, but that’s what the laws state.

In addition, not one of these so-called rescuers seems to care what the impact of “being rescued” can have on the dog.  There are many many dogs who are not stranger friendly, or who will guard their owner’s car, or who will even bite when cornered.  And contrary to popular opinion many dogs don’t give a care what your intentions are, all they know is that some stranger just smashed the window and is now cornering them in the back of the car…’s only a matter of time before some “rescuer” is bitten in the process of trying to “rescue” a dog who doesn’t need it.  And in many many areas that bite is a death sentence for the dog.  Especially since it would be considered “unprovoked” in the minds of many people. 

Now sure, in an ideal world no dog would ever be left in a car unattended.  But even the best laid plans can fail, and a bout of diarrhea on the way home from a 45minute trip can require an emergency bathroom break.  And a 5minute sit in the car unattended is nothing compared to the benefits of being able to spend the rest of their day with their human in the minds of many dogs (and owners).  Have you ever gone to a canine sporting event?  Very few facilities have the space to allow indoor crating of every single dog participating.  Heck, if it’s an outdoor event there may not be ANY indoor crating space.  And yet the number of canine deaths from heatstroke at these events is astronomically tiny (and even then, it tends to be after the event, on the way home, that it’s an issue).  

So lets stop this hysteria, all its doing is harming the dogs and the responsible owners who are caring for them!