In what might be a record, they’ve already managed to annoy me to no end. So the test publication has been deleted. I might do, but not this week.
Blog going forward
I’m debating moving this blog to Substack and I’m curious as to folks thoughts on that.
When I first moved it to my own site I was blogging enough I felt it was worth it. These days? I’m doing good to blog once a month. And I feel like I’m not getting my money’s worth out of the site. I will likely keep the site, and direct the substack to here (supposedly thats possible anyway) so that you won’t have to change any links. Maintaining the ownership of the domain name isn’t expensive, its the hosting of the page itself that adds up.
In theory I can move all the blog posts over there, so that I won’t lose any posts, testing shows it doesn’t move all the meme posts over correctly (it just appears to grab the first meme) but everything else appears to move over correctly. At the link I posted in the first sentence you can see the last 10 posts I imported to see how it works. I don’t know if that means I won’t be able to do meme dumps at all, or if I’ll have to break them up more, or what. But that appears to be the only potential issue that I’m seeing.
Edit: Ok, it’ll import the first 10 posts and nothing else. I’m waiting response from tech support to find out what I’m missing.
Alzheimer’s Research
In my various Links posts I’ve posted a selection of articles and studies looking at modern Alzheimer’s research. The community has imploded unfortunately due to the discovery of fraud in the research. Its frustrating to watch. Alzheimer’s, and dementia in general, touches many families and it’s horrifying to watch a family member forget, well, everything till they turn into a breathing shell.
Yesterday this article was in my feed:
My Mom Was Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Then She Got Better.
““It’s Alzheimer’s.”
My mom was 61 years old. She had been struggling for years with mysterious symptoms that no doctor could explain.
But a year ago, my family experienced a miracle.
In January 2023, my mom went into the hospital to have a small surgical procedure, meant to patch a leak of spinal fluid. Instead, it cured her of all her symptoms. “
“We later discovered that, a year before Mom had her procedure, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center had published a newsletter subtitled “Physicians Treating Dementia Should Look for Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak—A Treatable Cause of an Otherwise Incurable Condition.” The study had examined 21 patients who presented with headaches, significant fatigue, and a diagnosis of Chiari and dementia; nine of them were found to have a leak, and repairing it had entirely cured their symptoms.”
The newsletter referenced:
New Research Detects Potential Hidden Cause of Dementia
A new Cedars-Sinai study suggests that some patients diagnosed with behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD)—an incurable condition that robs patients of the ability to control their behavior and cope with daily living—may instead have a cerebrospinal fluid leak, which is often treatable.
In this study, investigators used this imaging technique on 21 patients with brain sagging and symptoms of bvFTD, and they discovered CSF-venous fistulas in nine of those patients. All nine patients had their fistulas surgically closed, and their brain sagging and accompanying symptoms were completely reversed.
21 isn’t a huge number, but 9 patients with an identifiable specific issue, who ALL experienced complete reversal of the symptoms after the procedure….well THAT feels pretty damn significant. I hope that the medical systems are watching.
The Hill I Will Die On Today
The checkbox to “save credit card for future purchases/payments” should NEVER be checked yes by default. AND it should ALWAYS be a straightforward matter to access saved payment methods in order to update or delete them as needed.
Memes 11/28/2024
Freaking WordPress….they’ve changed the settings and as of right now I don’t see an option to make the pictures clickable. Right click-view image in seperate tab still works.
Links 10/25/24
Nebraska teen allegedly derailed trains just to get ‘insane’ footage for YouTube
Profits at the German auto giant Mercedes plunged on Friday as sales of its slick new range of electric vehicles (EVs) went into freefall. Porsche abandoned its sales targets for battery-powered cars amid waning demand from customers. Ford is losing nearly $50,000 (£39,000) on every EV it sells, while Tesla’s profits dropped 45pc
Visualizing the Tax Burden of Every U.S. State
X thread with links: Social psychologists long ago proved something utterly terrifying People will disregard WHAT THEY SEE WITH THEIR OWN EYES to conform to what other people say
We do have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media to look for this material, and then follow up with arrests
Indiana is intercepting packages at a FedEx shipping hub, running K-9s over them, and forfeiting any cash found w/o saying a specific crime that was violated.
X thread with links: When I went to law school, I knew a law degree would be helpful no matter what I chose to do in life. Never did I imagine that I would use my skills & training to “prove” my husband’s innocence to federal prosecutors
Vermont Supreme Court rules that family cannot sue their child’s school district after their 6-year-old was given a COVID-19 mRNA injection without their consent
X thread with links: The Biden admin spent almost a billion dollars to push falsehoods about covid vaccines, boosters, and masks on the American people
X thread with links: I was sure that this was some red-tribe red-meat bullshit, so I did my normal thing of looking for evidence to disprove it … and, nope, this is 100% real
I thought we were told over and over again that voting machine are never connected to the internet
Hackers may have stolen the Social Security numbers of every American
A doctor died at a Disney Springs restaurant from an allergic reaction after being assured the meal was allergen-free The widower then sued Disney is now trying to dismiss the suit — arguing he agreed to arbitrate all disputes when signing up for a Disney+ free trial years earlier
I’m confused…if these items are so super duper dangerous then why are they just sitting out there on this table with a buncha people casually standing around (H/T for quote)
FDA approves first-of-its-kind nasal spray for allergic reaction emergencies
New Auntie Anne’s perfume is childhood nostalgia in a bottle
Forensic science cracks the ‘unsolvable’ case of a World War I soldier’s identity, enabling his re-burial
Playing Mario 64 reverses aging in the brain.
Dark Humor 10/25/24
These I didn’t post on FB, lack of energy for dealing with the screaming. Some of them aren’t dark so much as political.
Links 10/24/24
We have been quarantined by the CDC. Nobody can exit the plane until the CDC lets us off. Because of a tummy ache.
A Harvard study from 2020 found wind turbines will cause more warming in Minnesota than emissions reductions would avert.
Your LED Light Bulbs Aren’t Safe From Net Zero
Hell, I’m not even 50 yet, and I remember this!
Taxpayers have told school administrators they don’t want to pay for electric buses, making it seemingly impossible for districts to meet the legally required transition
Size Matters? Penis Dissatisfaction and Gun Ownership in America
Got Cameras on Your Car? Hire a Remote Driver to Get Home From the Bar
(X thread video) We have built safe mobility offices in Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Costa Rica to reach people where they are so they don’t have to take the perilous journey
2015-The disappeared: Chicago police detain Americans at abuse-laden ‘black site’
Big new annual report on kids shows “decades of lost progress” due learning loss during – and even after – Covid.
X thread: Cuomo recently claimed his mask orders were only voluntary recommendations. Now he’s saying nursing homes were just “confused” by the “must admit” order for Covid+ patients, and they didn’t have to accept sick patients?
Kansas Attorney General sues Pfizer for “misleading Kansans on COVID vaccine.”
On Derek Chauvin, George Floyd, and Reasonable Doubt
Nicotine has been found to have potential benefits in preventing Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Studies on animals suggest that nicotine can protect against neuronal degeneration, improve motor abilities, and enhance cognitive performance
Nicotine effects on adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
What City Kids Learn on My Farm
The results show, that neutered males from both breed clades more frequently displayed aggression toward humans than intact males
Should women in their 40’s be screened for breast cancer?
Is Delaying Menopause the Key to Longevity?
What If the Most Notorious Murder of a Gay Man Wasn’t a Hate Crime?
Missouri woman who served 43 years in prison is free after her murder conviction was overturned. AG called the prison warden and told him not to release prisoner after judge ordered release. Convicted solely on confession during interrogation while she was heavily sedated.
Autism can be reversed, scientists discover
Not a B movie: Sharks are ingesting cocaine in the ocean, scientists find
Has no one thought this through?
Been feeling a bit off since Tuesday. Mild sore throat, probably from the post nasal drip, fairly heavy post nasal drip, headache, general case of the blah’s. No fever, no chills, no cough. A bug has been going around work, which is pretty typical for this time of year, but some folks have been coming down really sick from it. Called out of work yesterday (Wednesday), this morning it wasn’t any better, so I called the doctor’s office to see if I can get an apt.
They won’t schedule me for an in person appt because “you have covid symptoms”.
But they won’t schedule me for a telehealth appt because “the sore throat requires an in person appt”.
So I ask what do I have to do to get an appt. Answer: take an at home Covid test. I don’t have one. Well, you’ll need to take one to get an appt. So I ask “So if its positive I can’t get an appt?”, response “oh, no, we’ll just schedule you for a telehealth appt”. But you just said you can’t do a telehealth appt because of the sore throat. “oh if you’re covid positive it overrides that”.
Look, the damn sore throat is because of the post nasal drip, I get a sore throat every time I get a sinus infection. Just schedule me for the telehealth. Nope, can’t do it.
So you don’t want me to go out in public if I’m covid positive, but you want me to go out in public to find a covid test?? Well you have to have a test done before we can schedule you an appt.
The fuck?
For the record, the at home test is negative. But now I’m so pissy I don’t want to talk to the office again, and I’m not THAT miserable, so fuck it, we’ll see what I feel like tomorrow.
I love my doctor (we had a long conversation about covid, symptoms, treatments, and the like a couple years ago, and if it wouldn’t cost her her job she’d have been outright agreeing with me), but the hospital that the practice is attached to is going to drive me to drink. The receptionist, who is not even an entry level nurse, should not be making medical decisions on how to treat patients.