The newest member of the family

We spent the weekend driving down to southern VA and back to pick up the newest member of our family.  I introduce to you Saras Himalaya Apollo.

Thats my husband holding him, and yes the puppy is that big.  He was 10 weeks old on Saturday and he weighed in at 24 pounds.

(yes I know its a pink leash, I needed a lightweight leash that he could use short term, it was what they had.  He’s going to need a heavier leash very quickly.)

We spend the night at Suzie’s (the breeder) place, got to meet her dogs, including her elderly “puppies” one of which is a female who’s 15yrs old and still going strong. 

Here’s a picture of Queenie, the dam of our puppy:

For reference, my husband is 6’1″ barefoot, in the workboots he was wearing he’s over 6’2″.  She’s not the biggest Tibetan Mastiff by any rate, but she’s still not small! 

The Honor Harrington Series by David Weber

Zercool posted today about how he’s been reading this series, and I was delighted to see it.  I’ve quite enjoyed the series, even though Weber did end up decidedly political and far to deep in the relationships by books 9 and 10.  Someone must have pointed it out to him though because book 11 Crown of Slaves (not counting the short story books) was a well done push outwards at universe.  I own the entire series in dead tree format (actual book format as apposed to ebook format, which I also have them in).

If you’re looking for a science fiction series to pick up, and don’t mind one that is made up of a large number of not small books this is a series you should consider.  As a plus, if you have an ebook reader, or don’t mind reading on your computer, pretty much the entire series is availible in, legal, free (and DRM free as well) ebook form in a variety of formats.  If you don’t have any lucking find them online (or don’t trust the various sources) drop me a line and we’ll arrange something!

**edited to correct a variety of typo’s and rephrase some stuff.  Geez I couldn’t type today!

Links via Fark

For those of you who’ve never heard of let me warn you not to go there if you don’t like puns, evil humor, or graphic humor.  For those of you who can find amusement in anything is the site for you.  There’s a link over in my blogroll if you like.

Now, links found yesterday on

Fark doesn’t bother to come up with a cute headline for this one but they do pretty well sum it up.  Personally this article has so much fail in it, its not funny, but then, it is Florida.  Mall, private property, has dress code.  Security is charged with enforcing said dress code.  Kid has been warned several times and keeps on breaking dress code (I so do not get the saggy pants thing, not only does it make you look stupid you can’t move at a decent pace with your pants like that, srsly).  Kid sees Security coming and runs.  Security chases and kid runs into traffic and is killed.  First fail, why the heck was the kid running?  What did he think was security going to do to him?  Most likely kick him out of the property and call his mom.  Not the end of the world, especially since mom comes across as one of those “my baby is always right” parents.  Makes me wonder what he had on him that he didn’t want security to find.  But then there’s Security’s fail… of the officers is quoted in the article as stating that by policy they aren’t supposed to chase unless lives are at stake.   Oops.  AND he admitted it to the press.  Even if mom hadn’t already been planning to sue that would have ensured it right there.  Good job Mall Security!

Fark headline: City has so many bad cops it can no longer afford to hire lawyers to defend them against police brutality suits.  And I have to say that although the article doesn’t explicitly SAY that, you do have to wonder just why they were having to spend so much money defending the cops. 

The new air rifle….and some background.

Ok, first I have to give some background here for those of you who don’t know me. 

I grew up in a household that was decidedly “down” on guns.  My parents weren’t as bad as some anti-gun folks out there, but nothing that could be mistaken for a gun was allowed in the house or (if my parents were around) in our hands.  Then at summer camp, when I was 8 or 9, I spotted “air-rifles” on the list of things to do for the week and decided that although I had no idea what an “air-rifle” was I knew it was something my parents wouldn’t let me do so heck yes I was going to put that on my list for the week (that criteria made up a signifigent portion of how I decided to do alot of things)!  I had a blast, and at the end of the week I had earned my first level award for air-rifles (I don’t recall now what the requirements were, but I remember being immensely proud that my scores were better on average than most of the other kids).  I was hooked, and every summer there after I made sure that the air-rifle course was the first thing I put down for each year.  The summer I was 14 though I was given the opportunity to go overseas, and that killed my summer camp career.  I didn’t touch another air rifle (or any sort of firearm) again till I was 29.

My husband, on the other hand, grew up in a family of hunters.  His dad still hunts both turkey and deer every year for as many weekends as he can (usually including Thanksgiving weekend), and my husband was taught at a young age how to handle guns, and got his Junior Hunting Permit as young as allowed.

Not to long after we started dating we went out to the New York State Fair, which is held not all that far away in Syracuse NY.  That year the National Guard (I think?) had a booth with an air rifle setup.  The targets (metal plates) were contained in a heavy canvas tent to keep any ricocheting BBs from harming passersby.  I said what the heck and sat down to give it a try.  Twelve BBs, twelve targets down, and my future father-in-law turned to my future husband and informed him to never ever piss me off when I had a gun in my hands.  My future husband laughed and said he had no intention of pissing me off ever, gun or not.

 My future FIL offered to take me shooting, but the timing never worked out, probly just as well since I would have promptly wanted one of my own and the apartment I was living in didn’t allow firearms.  But at the end of this past summer we bought a house of our own, and one of his first visits after we finally got moved in was to bring over a well used Mossburg shotgun as a housewarming gift.  It took some time, and the advice of James Rummel (with the suggestion of low recoil shot, thank you) to get me comfortable with it.  Although I weigh at least 50lbs over what I should I’m still a “little girl” by most other definitions and was quite literally knocked on my butt the first couple times.  But I managed, and I can now put the shot on target, though not always the bullseye, every time.

So this past January we got tired of the numerous tree rats running around.  I realize they’re a fact of life reguardless of where you live, and in the sort of landscape we’re in they ARE going to be around…..but after the 10th time I caught one pulling the top off my bird feeder to get at the seed inside I informed my husband that something had to be done. 

The shotgun would be overkill and would probly annoy the neighbors even in our hunter friendly area, so we headed out and bought THIS air rifle at our local Gander Mountain.*  For those of you who don’t want to click its a Ruger Air Hawk .177 caliber air rifle.  Puts out a pellet at 1000 feet per second.  Has fiberoptic sights the barrel, and comes with a scope.  The paperwork that comes with it states it should be considered dangerous at a distance of up to 575 yards.  Squirrels are legal to shoot as pests in NY state year round.  There WILL be a few less in my yard next winter.  I will say, for anyone who might be considering buying this or similer, the muzzle breaks to load as well as prime the air piston, and it is a heavy pull to do so.  I’m not a weakling, but if it was much heavier I’d not be able to do this myself, if you’re considering this for a younger (or smaller) person keep in mind the relative strength required.  Of course needing an adult to load it for them does create the additional precaution of always needing an adult on hand for supervision as well, not nessecarly a bad thing. 

I had intended to sight it in and start using it right away, but I ran into a problem I should have expected and didn’t.  The pellets are small enough that I can’t load the gun while wearing winter gloves, and the rifle only holds one pellet at a time.  This means that I’m constantly taking off and putting back on at least one glove.  My hands are NOT tolerant of the cold, the combined result of frostbite damage when I was 16 and arthritis now.  I lasted less than 10 minutes in the cold that first weekend.  Since the sites were screwed 10ways to sunday, and I’ve never actually had to adjust sites before, it was slow going.  I didn’t get very far before my hands hurt so much I could barely pull the trigger much less load another pellet.

I’ve been impatiently waiting for the weather to warm up so I can get it sighted in.  The fiber-optic sights were nice to work with dispite the frustration of the settings, and I want to play around with the scope too since I’ve never used one of those either.  Unfortunetly the warming trend thats sitting over the area right now is supposed to end Friday night.  By Saturday it’ll be back below freezing with a high likely hood of snow.  Bleh.  I was hoping to be able to go out back and put holes in more paper-plates!

*Disclaimer, we bought this gun with our own money and are receiving no kickback or payment in any form for this post or review.


Although in many ways I’m quite enjoying my ’07 Dodge Caliber, I really really really miss my ’91  Honda Civic right now.  I have so far, just this winter alone, gotten the Caliber hung up on snow banks 6 seperate times.  In the 11 years I drove the Civic I NEVER got it hung up on a snow bank (maybe because it was so low to the ground it couldn’t, but thats besides the point). 

The Caliber is currently sitting at an angle to the driveway waiting for my husband to get home and give me a push after I backed into the snowbank again. (I was trying to turn around to back in the garage and once again found the snowbank at the edge of the drive.  It doesn’t help that the Caliber is just tall enough that I can’t SEE the snowbanks out the back window.)

Random thought

I love living outside of the city.  I love not being even in a major town.  The peace and quiet is awesome, and if I decide I want noise instead I can turn up the stereo as loud as I can stand and not worry about the neighbors knocking on my door.  And I got to watch a possum trot down my driveway this morning.  No idea what he was doing up and about that time of day, but he wasn’t acting sick in anyway, most likely a snowmobiler disturbed him and my driveway was a convenient path out of the 2ft of snow the yard would have required him to cross.  Only way I’d have seen him by the apartment in the city was after someone hit him.  Instead I got to watch him trot down the drive and into the woods behind.  How cool is that?

Blog design

Ok, since I’ve started get at least a few page views from differing sources I’d like some feed back on the site colors.  Are they easy to read or do they strain your eyes?  I can’t make up my mind personally, I picked the current colors on a whim to start with, so if they ARE causing problems for anyone please let me know so I can consider other options.

More snow

The view out my front and back windows a couple hrs ago:

For reference, the pump in the front yard is only about 20 feet from the window, and the pine only about 5 beyond that….

Edited to add: I didn’t realize till I was looking at these pictures just how much of a “bump” each of the posts or fixtures must be sitting on.  I can tell you from walking around in the yard to refill bird feeders and the like that majority of the yard is knee deep on me!