I guess its the summer for it.
That is a European Hornet. When you first see one it looks like a giant mutant yellow jacket. Thankfully their nest likely isn’t in the yard…..
My Boring Life
I guess its the summer for it.
That is a European Hornet. When you first see one it looks like a giant mutant yellow jacket. Thankfully their nest likely isn’t in the yard…..
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(runs away screaming like a little girl) Horribly allergic to bee/wasp venom. Scary. Make it go away! Aaaaaa!
I’m not allergic but that was about my response too. The good news is these guys mostly function on a live and let live theory when it comes to humans, unlike the Baldfaced Hornets we had. As long as you don’t bug the nest or actually pester an individual they’ll leave you alone. Plus they eat other bugs. I guess its a good thing I didn’t want those apples this year though…..