According to Weather Underground we dipped to -22 (before counting windchill) last night. Syracuse officially dropped to -23 after midnight this morning, which broke records for today. Infact most of Upstate NY broke records last night/this morning. And since its not predicted to get above 10degrees today (original prediction was 7, Weather Underground is currently saying we might not even make that) I won’t be opening up the broccoli to check the thermometer either. Monday or Tuesday I should be able to open it up and check it. Cross your fingers! Even Apollo thought it was awfully cold last night, and that’s saying something! But we made it through with no frozen pipes, so I’ll take it.
To top off my week though my car refused to start yesterday. I’m hoping it was just the cold that was the cause…..
It was a cold one that is for sure. Looks to be the same tonight before the heat wave begins. Hopefully your car appreciates the warm up. I know the Explorer was not happy at starting this afternoon to run to the store. I had it parked about 6″ from the garage door (too tall to fit in garage) so it could soak up any heat loss from the garage.
When I pulled out of the driveway, I noticed the neighbor across the street had done the same with his older Blazer – dang near to the siding on his house.
Yah, I’m crossing my fingers that once it warms up today the car’ll start fine. Last year I didn’t have any problems, BUT, last year I was parking in the garage. This year, after a car theft right down the road (which is looking like a joy ride theft, they crashed it later that morning in the next town) we decided we’d rather park the new Honda in the garage…..I guess we’ll be rethinking that.