A short one this time, but there’s a couple important ones here.
There is a shortage of the IV contrast used for various medical imaging. Hospitals have already started limiting scans and even heart surgeries because of it. I warned of shortages of medical drugs and equipement last year, and once again various family told me I was over reacting.
Retroactive study finds that in kids 5-11 the Pfizer vax was a whopping 12% effective against omicron. Explain to me again why it was worth the political mess to push these through?? And why are we still trying to force the same vax on people now? Why haven’t they gotten an updated version out, wasn’t that one of the points of the mRNA vax’s? That they could be turned around to adapt faster?
Some sciFi author predicted this years ago. A transfusion of brain fluid from young mice to old mice rejuvenated the old brain.
East coast diesel inventory is dropping and prices are climbing. Word of mouth among big rig drivers is that they’re being warned of pending shortages. You know what shortages of diesel mean? It means goods stop moving. Including all sorts of fresh food items.
India’s supreme court just ruled that no one can be forced to get vax’d.
There’ve been so many arguments over masks and if they work. And frankly all the “studies” both for and against have kinda sucked. This is the first one I’ve seen that actually looks at something realistic. Participants were placed in a sealed room wearing various PPE and with varying levels of air filtration, and then an aerosolized virus was sprayed into the room. Participants were then swabbed, both face and nostrils to see what made a difference. The ONLY mask that made a difference? A leak checked N95. Adding HEPA filtration also made a difference. ANY OTHER MASK, including non-leak tested N95s made absolutely no difference. And no, that N95 you are pulling on and off at work or in between stores is not leak proof.
But that was a conspiracy theory!! Or not……
15 states want the USPS to use only electric vehicles. To the point of sueing them to stop the purchase of gas powered vehicles. Are we TRYING to screw the delivery of mail even further??
Meanwhile Paris has suspended its electric bus fleet due to fires.
Youth mental health services are completely over–whelmed.
Long covid has little to no impact on children.
Turns out that “long-flu” was a thing too, it just didn’t get the publicity.
A look at mask wearing, mask mandates, and covid cases in Europe (spoiler, not only did the masks NOT help, they might have made it worse).
Saliva tests more accurate than nasal swabs for finding Covid19. So why are we still sticking swabs up people’s noses??
There’s about to be a shortage of pizza crust.
Lack of fertilizer means lack of crops. Which means next winter is going to suck. I keep harping on this, but really, eating is kinda important….
I’ve been wondering why they keep pushing the same boosters instead of creating new vaccines for the new variants like they do for the flue. Yes, I realize the flue vaccine is different in that they guess which strain(s) is/are likely to become the most prevalent each season. But I would think if they made one for Delta (or the latest), it would be more effective against future strains than the original vaccines is/will be.
Masks are more to reduce people spreading a large load of viruses as opposed to reducing people catching viruses that are already in the environment. Notice I didn’t use the word “stop”, because they don’t. Again, wear a mask or don’t wear a mask, I really don’t care – each person should make their own choice.
If particles are getting IN, then they’re getting OUT too. Masks aren’t one way. One of my favorite anecdotal videos on the subject was a guy who took a big drag on his e-cig, snugged his surgical mask down over his nose and mouth, and breathed out. The only thing the mask did was slow the forward momentum of the smoke, it still came out all the way around the mask, and even through the mask itself. Any mask that has leaks is basically useless theater cause it does jack shit to stop aerosol particles which are the real problem.
Worse, people apparently think that if they’re wearing a mask they’re ok to go out in public sick. I’ve seen multiple people on social media saying “oh I felt a little sick, so I just wore a mask” as if that makes a difference. It doesn’t.
Even more so, people are so wedded to the idea that masks prevent sickness that NYC still requires 2-4yr olds to mask in public (“the science requires it”) even though adults can crowd into bars unmasked, and multiple school districts around the country are requiring students to mask at school, even though the kids are the least likely to have issues with covid and are the most harmed by not being able to see faces. A school district in Buffalo NY was just successfully sued for ignoring its OWN RULES to allow face shields instead of masks for children with handicaps and special needs.
I don’t care if someone chooses to wear a mask (though if you’re going to choose to do so then wear a N95 and by god wear it right, there is absolutely no point to a cloth mask being worn below the nose at this point). I care that people have somehow decided that masks fix everything.
Thank you for sharing these, Ruth. Very eye-opening!