Ok, this is mostly for my reference.
Uncooked untrimmed, 1lb 3.5ounces of tomatoes (Black Plum).
Cut out stem ends and weird spots.
Pureed in food processor, skin and seeds on, raw.
Simmered on stove w/glug of olive oil (didn’t measure, gonna regret that), a clove of garlic (Music), a little salt, pepper and oregano.
Pureed again in food processor.
Returned to stove to simmer to a slightly thicker consistency.
Not quite filled 3 1/2 pint jars, which is fine, I planned to freeze this batch rather than can it.
Haven’t tasted it yet, and I think I got a bit to much olive oil in it. But it smells heavenly. We’ll be doing home-made pizza tomorrow using it!