Alzheimer’s might not be a brain disease
New drug shows mild promise to slow alzheimer’s progression.
FDA approves ALS treatment
Paypal shuts down acct of parents group
Paypal’s new UA says it will fine users up to $2,500 for “misinformation”. Discovers that “go woke get broke” isn’t just a meme and retracts new UA. Not sure thats going to save them though.
Time to undo the damage done to pain patients
LAUSD schools to get naloxone to combat drug overdoses
Unfinished Ford trucks visible from space
CDC says covid vax status should no longer be used to determine controls
Also that masking in medical settings is no longer required
JAMA Pediatrics twitter thread with links. Basically it turns out that telling pregnant and nursing mothers that getting the vax was safe for their babies was mis-information.
Tufts University requires community members to get new vax booster
Fordham U requires new vax booster, AND proof of vax for infants as young as 6 months
Amherst policy on masking in classrooms
NYPD ordered to reinstate members fired over vax mandate
CA paid (a LOT) less for covid tests than NY, company owned by Hochel buddy
Germany wants to bring back masks in schools
Study from England: vax may have INCREASED reinfection rate
Twitter thread: fentanyl overdose recorded as covid death
HCQ is good again (turns out it depends on your cholesterol)
Covid (or more correctly, the covid RESPONSE) caused personality changes
NIH gives money for bat corona virus research
Biden calls coast guard swimmer who rescued people during Ian. Coast guard swimmer due to be fired due to vax mandate. (I’d not have been nearly as polite as that dude)
FB lifts ban on posts stating Covid was man-made
CDC required to turn over Covid vax safety data. The numbers aren’t pretty.
Twitter thread: Shanghai quarantine
Twitter thread: Biden admin wanted schools to use extracurriculars to force student vax
30,000 Americans killed by ventilators in April 2020
Mouthwash helps kill covid germs
“This analysis found that there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination.”
Twitter thread: NYU fires teacher because students aren’t willing to work in class. Link. Be very carefull choosing your doctors and engineers in the next several years!
CA bans natural gas heaters and furnaces
Charging your electric car at night makes the grid unstable
NYS to adopt CA rule requiring EVs by 2035
Norway wind farm destroyed by….the wind
Battery powered ferry runs out of power
Electric Hummer might take up to 4 days to fully charge
UN agrees to electricity power restrictions and caps due to energy crisis
Average gas prices in LA approaching record highs again
German bakery hit with $330,000 gas bill
Are EVs able to evac ahead of a hurricane?
Biden Admin wants to block offshore drilling completely
EVs and water damage
Bangladesh electrical grid failure
Your spellcheck might be allowing access to your passwords
Big name brands blast Twitter over their ads being put next to child porn
An honest to god street shark during Hurricane Ian
USA sends another Billion to Ukraine
Developing world problems in the USA
Student loan forgiveness? Maybe not
Turns out that running down a teenager is murder afterall
Hudson tunnel damaged in 2012, still not repaired, might take till 2038
FDA looking to change whats defined as healthy foods
NY pro life clinic sues police
CA restricts use of rap lyrics as evidence in trials
Gay couple sues to be allowed access to surrogacy.
Children conceived from frozen embryos at higher risk for cancer
NYC rolls back diversity programming in schools
Girls take state to court over boys in their sports
Pro-trans group plans to rehome kids who hate their parents
Scottish infant mortality rate spikes
Suicide rates spiked in 2021, actual mainstream news has noticed, wow
Twitter thread: Hurricanes are NOT becoming more frequent or intense
Hillary setting up presidential bid?
Biden Admin wants to create digital dollar
2000 steps a day helps prevent premature death (gosh, being active keeps you healthy, what a concept)
Infact, being active for 3 months results in genetic changes in mens sperm
Conservative women report being happiest
Twitter thread: the books your children are reading in school
Election software CEO arrested
Boston Dynamics promises NOT to weaponize its robots
Barge groundings in the Mississippi, more
Russians seek asylum in Alaska
CA to hand out stimulus checks to “help deal with inflation”
School counselor admits to sex with trans student
Amazon selling suicide kit
Cook County IL trying guaranteed income pilot program
Nope, still laughing at the irony here.
Federal judge strikes down portions of NYS’s new gun laws
Medicare fraud
Progress in predicting earthquakes
For the wind farm issues with turbines falling apart:
“The weather and wind in VesterĂ¥len are probably among the toughest things you can subject such machinery to,”
Sounds like a serious lack of site review to determine if it was appropriate (by both the company and regulatory bodies). Those blades routinely go 100-180 mph anyway (for the outside tip). There is level of wind that “should” automatically shut the turbines down (for safety reasons as well as just the stresses on the machines), Apparently being an unusually windy place, that site is would seem to be totally unacceptable for such a use.