Just why are we still paying for the TSA??
Tax filing websites sending info to FB
Twitter thread: why newborns are having such trouble with RSV
More info on NYC covid emergency/hospitalizations
Did the Cook County ME cure covid deaths?
MA officials worked with Google to install covid spyware on phones
LA county recommending masking again
High BMI = high covid transmission risk
Twitter thread: masking/hiding from covid doesn’t work
states ask .GOV to repeal health care worker vax mandate
11/15/22 Senate votes to end Covid emergency
China to end Zero Covid?
CDC data on bivalent vax
G20: vaccine passports a good thing
Just Data: USA pediatric respiratory death burden, before and after Covid
NYC’s hospital system never reached full capacity in 2020
Kids are more suicidal.
FDA oversight of clinical trials inadequate
Canadian study finds even higher rate of heart problems in young men after 3rd dose
FDA says banning ivermectin was just a “recommendation”
Remember when “viral interference” was a conspiracy theory??
Pandemic stress aged teenagers brains
Confirmation of pre-existing immunity to Covid
Alberta bans school mask mandates and online only learning
WesternU no longer requiring vax
Long Covid vs Long Upper Respiratory sickness
Of COURSE masks work, that’s why surgeons wear them….or not.
Daily Skeptic: cancer doc’s observing increase in cancer damage after booster?
Teen gets covid vax, dies 3 weeks later
NYT admits that pandemic learning loss is a thing
US DOE admits that students with disabilities badly failed during pandemic
MRNA flu vax?
Socialized medicine is BETTER! Unless you’re in Canada with a sick kid right now
Americans spending more time alone, and thats bad.
Biden the Union buster, the deal literally allows ONE paid day off per year
Jan 6 geofence warrant by the FBI
Iranian protests.
100’s of Elementary students arrested nationwide.
Biological male comes in #72 on male team, takes 1st on womens
Trans serial molester told to self manage
Mom handcuffed and jailed for allowing 8yr old to walk half-mile
Driver accused to deliberately hitting police recruits released from jail
Man serving life sentence for murder to be released from jail
NY banning native inspired school mascots/sports team names (I’m kinda waiting for them to notice how many towns/cities/counties are named after natives….)
Cali to ban diesel trucks at ports by 2035
Germany about to have meat shortages too
Netherlands to close 3000 farms
UK once again proves it dislikes self defense
San Fran to arm robots
REAL ID being pushed back again (why are we still doing this?? Obviously its not necessary at this point.
Home Depot Employee dies from injuries caused by shoplifter
Amazon gutting Voice Assistant team
Airbag will only save you if your subscription is paid up
New law will require kill switches in all cars
Yuan digital currency has an expiration date
Twitter thread: another look at why people voted for Trump
(now former) Biden admin official charged with felony theft
DOD fails audit, can’t account for 61% of assets
Man who inspired The Terminal dies.
Genetically modified tobacco produces cocaine
French man wins right not to be fun at work
Kentucky election decided by coin toss.
Barefoot is better, at least for horses
The Samurai who changed Cali
Please don’t release your goldfish into a nearby pond
Viking carvings found in cave in Ukraine
I have so many more links, but thats a long enough post for now
Thanks again for keeping us in the know!
Welcome! I enjoy the link collection, I just wish it was a more fun selection.
Just in time for th eReal ID to be delayed (again). I was thinking I would have to update before my next trip to see family, but I guess that isn’t the case any more. However, my ID is ready for renewal next year, so now the decision is do I go ahead and “upgrade”, or not – gambling that they will push it out yet again in 2 years?
That blue lava is so pretty – thanks for leading me to those pictures!
Right? I did mine when I had to change my name on my license when we got married, the identification requirements being basically identical for a name change as for the Real ID. Now I’m kinda wondering if it was worth it.