Fibonacci day!
Covid boosters likely cause net harm to young people under 30
FDA approves EUA for bivalent boosters for children down to 6months in age
Boosters not usefull against current covid variants
No more military vax mandate
Canadian Judge tears apart the shutdown of club
the date upon which our mistakes become more deadly than was Covid, backs up to 17 Oct 2023.
Why observation only studies on vax effectiveness suck (aka: unvaxed people are more likely to get in car accidents)
Lingering symptoms after respiratory sickness is normal and not special to covid
Meanwhile the CDC considering studying long covid
Two new studies show mRNA-jabbed people have a much higher risk of getting Covid than unvaccinated people
Study dated 2009: to many vaccinations in a short period of time results in autoimmune disorders
Pro tip: dead bodies are yucky. Don’t lick them. (quote source)
FDA links Pfizer’s vax to blood clots
police used covid as an excuse to expand surveillance
However, the judge changed his mind during the hearing and decided that since CDC recommends masking, no citizen can challenge a public health order mandating masks AS A MATTER OF LAW. Note, this affects way more than masking, women and alcohol comes to mind, as does pregnant women and a WHOLE LIST of things….
Hanging out with your germy grandkids results in less severe covid outcomes (gosh, really?? what a novel concept….)
Cambridge public schools are requiring covid vax in children above 5 for participation in all extracurricular activities.
Lack of correlation between school mask mandates and paediatric COVID-19 cases in a large cohort
2021: ACLU on why vax mandates are good things
China opens boarders
The Young were not Spared: What Death Certificates Reveal about Non-Covid Excess Deaths with Rob Arnott, 2022
Why do fact-checkers debunk obviously silly ideas (“vax makes you magnetic!”), while ignoring important wrong ones (“vax stops disease transmission”)?
Reason 1million or so on why people don’t trust the government on why these shots are good things
Climate change debate divides scientific community
Greenland once covered in forests
Switzerland considering banning electric cars
Attacks on power stations in FL and NC, and why they were so slow to get fixed, now attacks in WA state
Wyoming came close to blackouts during last week’s storms
Electric garbage trucks can’t handle the snow
TN to increase registration fees on electric cars
NY says no more gas or oil furnaces
Coal consumption hits record high
Oxfordshire county to restrict car travel
Remote work devastating cities
startup says it’s begun releasing particles into the atmosphere, in an effort to tweak the climate
12/5/22 Iran to shut down morality police
The Twitter files, some background, more
Twitter refused to remove info on the sexual trafficking of minors
DC council unclear on how taxes work
9 million people get emails stating their student loans are forgiven (spoiler, email was wrong)
Hold on for more inflation
76% of all women murdered, were murdered by someone they knew
Roundup contamination in foods
New Zealand to ban future generations from buying tobacco
HOA tows truck for flat tire
Philly gas station hires armed guards
NY strengthens restrictions on TOY guns
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia estimates that the employment data was vastly overstated in 2022. 10k jobs added instead of 1.1 million reported from March to June of 2022.
The effort to create a program for Black federal civil servants is not going smoothly
a new report confirms clean-water challenge for low-income Mississippi residents is a symptom of massive fed funding gap nationwide.
A school field trip: Alice in Drag, plus, masks on the kids
Lesbian Norwegian filmmaker gets 3 years in prison for saying men can’t be lesbians
Twitter thread: paraplegic woman on why she doesn’t want male carers
The biggest threat to middle aged men isn’t smoking, its loneliness
Body armor for women was never actually tested on real life women
California gun owner data breach
Stanford U’s list of offensive words
Exercise is white supremacy
Tiktok spied on journalists
Drug makers raise prices on 350 drugs
Identical twins score identically on tests
CDC removed defensive gun use stats
For Sale on eBay: A Military Database of Fingerprints and Iris Scans
Good girl takes bad guy’s gun and shoots him with it
Mississippi improves literacy by use of phonics
Female snakes have clitoruses (Australia rather than FL if you must know)
Gene editing cures incurable cancer (if you read Mira Grant books you just ducked for cover).
Subaru apologizes for Forester Ultimate Customized Kit Special
Hallucinogenic spinach caused by nightshade weeds
Blood test may be able to detect alzheimer’s years before onset
What can we learn from Barnes and Noble
Snowplow train
Awesome photos of clouds
Dogs evolved special muscle that lets them make “puppy eyes”
Dogs can smell time