
The other day I pulled this picture off one of the trail cameras:

0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.50 inHg 79"F  07/22/13 01:02 PM  MYCAMER1

Hubby and I looked at each other, and both agreed that that seems awfully early…..either he’s going to have a big rack, or we’re going to have a bad winter……

Then yesterday while brushing down Apollo I noticed that he’s already growing back in his undercoat……..and he’s not the only one, every Tibetan Mastiff owner I’ve talked to has said the same, the dogs had a long extended shed, and now, before they’re even done shedding, they’re growing back in their winter fluff……

This does not give me warm fuzzies for the coming winter…..

Trail camera pics

Been a while since I posted off the trail camera


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I think this next doe is the same one as in the previous night shot, though I can’t swear to it.  She’s got a full teat but there’s no sign of baby in any of this.  Hope that means she’s got her baby stashed somewhere safe rather than that she lost it.


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Bird of Prey

I’ve been bad about posting the photos from the trail cameras lately, but to be honest they’ve not been overly interesting.  I put out a feed block in an attempt to attract in the deer and turkeys, and instead distracted the regular birds from my feeders.  This means 100+ photos a week of chickadees and cardinals…..till yesterday when I checked the cameras and found this following set of photos:

0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 18"F  02/04/13 09:55 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 18"F  02/04/13 09:55 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 18"F  02/04/13 09:55 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 18"F  02/04/13 09:56 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 18"F  02/04/13 09:56 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 18"F  02/04/13 09:56 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 09:58 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 09:58 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 09:58 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 09:59 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 09:59 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 10:00 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 10:02 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 10:02 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 10:02 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 10:04 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 10:04 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 10:04 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 10:05 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 10:05 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 10:06 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 10:07 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 10:07 AM  MYCAMERA2 0075INFORMATION_STRIP_ON__TAG 29.32 inHg 19"F  02/04/13 10:07 AM  MYCAMERA2

The general concensus on the birder forum I posted the pics to is that this is probably a Coopers Hawk, though there was enough question that it MIGHT be a large Sharpshinned.  Made my day though!

Trail camera pics

After a couple weeks of nothing but pictures of moving branches at the normal camera locations we re-evaluated where the cameras ought to be.  There were lots of tracks in the yard, but they weren’t coming down the normal trails…

So we moved the cameras, and in the process discovered why Apollo keeps getting pissed in that direction after dark (sorry for the 2011 dates, apparently I forgot to set the year last time I changed the batteries on one of the cameras):


Can someone please explain to me why this f*cking cat is still around?  He killed the Harris’s Sparrow yesterday, I’m voting for the coyotes….


There are definetly deer around though:


And some big guy with these two dogs keeps walking infront of my cameras….I wonder who he is? 😉