Garden update

Lets see…

The pumpkins are happy happy plants.  A few leaves got damaged by the frost, but the plants themselves are bigger than ever.

Zucchini is also very very happy.  I only planted 3 plants, and I’m seriously considering pulling one and making it only two.  At the rate their growing even those three plants are going to produce a ton of zucchinis….

Cantalope is less happy, but not dead, I’ll take it.

Watermellon is refusing to germinate.

Onions are doing well, I lost a few when I first put them out, but most of them are doing well.

Carrots have all sprouted and I’ve been working on thinning them out.

Peppers…..sigh.  I’m down to TWO surviving seedlings out of 15 or so I started.  And although all of the seeds I planted for the 2nd round sprouted about half of THEM have died off TOO (and they’re not even out of the seedling tray yet!!).  I have NO idea what I’m doing wrong there….I put the rest of the seeds double bagged in ziplocks in the freezer and I guess I’ll do alot of reading over the winter and see what I can do differently next year.

Popcorn is doing well.  The ones I planted in the container are several inches tall, the ones I  planted in the ground only got planted this last week so they haven’t sprouted yet.

Sunflowers which I planted at the same time as the last batch of corn are sprouting and look good.

The various herbs (pepermint, spearmint, and horehound) that I planted in containers last year are sprouting away no problem.

Garlic hasn’t sprouted…..I think I planted it to early in the fall (it sprouted before winter hit), and I think I THEN un-covered the containers to early this spring….oh well, will try again next fall with what I learned.

The giant tire flower planter is planted and done, pictures pending.  Its got strawberries, purple Asters (they look like purple Daisys, so cool), purple Blazing Star, some daffodils, some iris, and hopefully some night blooming primrose.

I’ve got the remainder of the daffodils around the property dug up and I’m waiting for them to dry out a bit before I ship them off to their new homes.


4 thoughts on “Garden update”

    • Well, of course the varieties I wanted I couldn’t find pants for…..and frustratingly at first the first set seemed to do really well, till I repotted them…..

  1. Strange, I never have problems with peppers and I treat them like tomatoes. The only advice I have is placing 3 seeds in each cell. Yes, you will get 3 plants, but they like company (don’t thin them).

    Do you usually put seeds in the freezer? I put them in the fridge. I thought the freezer would be too cold for non-cold loving plants. If the freezer is okay, then I can gain a whole crisper drawer back.

    • Well, this is the first time I’ve tried saving seeds, so take it with a grain of salt, but that was the advice I was given when I asked a couple local folks.

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